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DOI: 10.1055/a-1004-3396
Diagnostic Use of Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Magnetic Resonance Arthrography for Intra-Articular Pathologies of the Hip Joint
A Patient-Oriented and Health-Economical Review Artikel in mehreren Sprachen: English | deutsch
Introduction In no other country magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is as frequently used as in Germany. The studyʼs aim is to analyse a daily referral procedure for hip MRI in German healthcare and to estimate ineffective costs for the healthcare system.
Material and Methods Over one year 203 consecutive MRIs of the hip joint were analysed retrospectively. Referrals were reviewed for their indications, e.g. prevalence of MRIs to detect intra-articular pathologies in the German population was estimated with data of three health insurances.
Results No indication was noted on 21% of the referrals to MRI. On 66% of the referrals a reasonable indications could be identified. There were more uncertainties of the indications for arthrographies. Collecting data concerning the prevalence of MRI for intra-articular hip pathologies is difficult due to the lack of precise diagnosis and procedure coding. The expendable costs caused by MRI of the hip joint amount from 800,000 to 2.4 million € during a one year period.
Discussion Medical referrals should be used thoroughly for communication between referrers and radiologists. Contribution of the letter of referral to health economics is underestimated. To improve estimation of prevalences in the diagnostics of intra-articular hip pathologies, precise diagnosis and procedure codings are needed.
Artikel online veröffentlicht:
11. November 2019
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Georg Thieme Verlag KG
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