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DOI: 10.1055/a-1012-9454
Publication History
Publication Date:
16 March 2020 (online)

In case of acute symptoms, medical issues or physician search, more and more patients tend to retrieve information on the internet. That pre-information and the German law regarding patient rights led to a considerably altered relationship between patients and health professionals. With the increasing quantity of information, the question about its quality and validation comes to mind. There is already neutral and assured information of independent providers existing but their awareness level – even though among health professionals – is low; in addition, depth and width of it are missing. Nevertheless, the classification of information and the communication between health professionals and patients continue to be essential.
In case of acute symptoms, medical issues or physician search, more and more patients tend to retrieve information on the internet. That pre-information and the German law regarding patient rights led to a considerably altered relationship between patients and health professionals. With the increasing quantity of information, the question about its quality and validation comes to mind. There is already neutral and assured information of independent providers existing but their awareness level – even though among health professionals – is low; in addition, depth and width of it are missing. Nevertheless, the classification of information and the communication between health professionals and patients continue to be essential.
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