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DOI: 10.1055/a-1018-2426
Leitlinienreport zur S3-Leitlinie Magenkarzinom – „Diagnostik und Therapie der Adenokarzinome des Magens und ösophagogastralen Übergangs“
Version 2.0 – August 2019 – AWMF-Registernummer: 032/009OLPublikationsverlauf
14. Januar 2020 (online)
1. Informationen zum Leitlinienreport
1.1. Autoren des Leitlinienreports
Markus Moehler, Thomas Langer, Tanja Bender, Julia Kofent, Friederike Greiwe, Heinrike Jost, Georgia Koukli, Annika Orthey, Carolin Rolfes, Catharina Wald, Simone Wesselmann, Markus Follmann, Susanne Unverzagt
1.2. Herausgeber
Leitlinienprogramm Onkologie der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Wissenschaftlichen Medizinischen Fachgesellschaften e. V. (AWMF), Deutschen Krebsgesellschaft e. V. (DKG) und Deutsche Krebshilfe (DKH).
1.3. Federführende Fachgesellschaft(en) der Leitlinie
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gastroenterologie, Verdauungs- und Stoffwechselkrankheiten e. V.
1.4. Finanzierung der Leitlinie
Die Erstellung und Aktualisierung dieser Leitlinie wurde von der Deutschen Krebshilfe im Rahmen des Leitlinienprogramms Onkologie gefördert.
1.5. Kontakt
Office Leitlinienprogramm Onkologie c/o Deutsche Krebsgesellschaft e. V.
Kuno-Fischer-Straße 8
14057 Berlin
1.6. Zitierweise des Leitlinienreports
Leitlinienprogramm Onkologie (Deutsche Krebsgesellschaft, Deutsche Krebshilfe, AWMF): S3-Leitlinie Magenkarzinom, Leitlinienreport Version 2.0, 2019, AWMF Registernummer: 032/009OL,
1.7. Weitere Dokumente zur Leitlinie
Die Leitlinie liegt als Lang- und Kurzversion vor. Außerdem gibt es eine Patientenleitlinie (Laienversion der Leitlinie). Alle Dokumente zur Leitlinie sind über die folgenden Seiten zugänglich:
Leitlinienprogramm Onkologie (
Guidelines International Network (
Beteiligte Fachgesellschaften (z. B.
1.8. Allgemeine Informationen zur Leitlinie
In der Langversion der Leitlinie sind die Adressaten und diejenigen Ziele aufgeführt, die mit der Erstellung und Implementierung der Leitlinie verfolgt werden. Darüber hinaus enthält die Langversion Angaben zur Gültigkeit, dem geplanten Aktualisierungsverfahren und den Personen und Institutionen, die an der Erstellung der Leitlinien beteiligt waren.
1.9. Abkürzungsverzeichnis
- 1 Leitlinienprogramm Onkologie (Deutsche Krebsgesellschaft, D.K., AWMF), Psychoonkologische Diagnostik, Beratung und Behandlung von erwachsenen Krebspatienten, Langversion 1.1. AWMF-Registernummer: 032/051OL. 2014
- 2 Arends J, Bertz H, Bischoff SC. DGEM Steering Committee. et al. S3-Leitline der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ernährungsmedizin e.V. (DGEM) in Kooperation mit der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Hämatologie und Onkologie e.V. (DGHO), der Arbeitsgemeinschaft „Supportive Maßnahmen in der Onkologie, Rehabilitation und Sozialmedizin“ der Deutschen Krebsgesellschaft (ASORS) und der Österreichischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft für klinische Ernährung (AKE). Klinische Ernährung in der Onkologie. Aktuelle Ernaehrungsmedizin 2015; 40: e1-e74
- 3 Porschen R. et al. S3-Leitlinie Diagnostik und Therapie der Plattenepithelkarzinome und Adenokarzinome des Ösophagus (Langversion 1.0–September 2015, AWMF-Registernummer: 021/023OL). Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie 2015; 53 (11) 1288-1347
- 4 Ajani JA. et al. Gastric Cancer, Version 3.2016, NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology. J Natl Compr Canc Netw 2016; 14: 1286-1312
- 5 Smyth EC. et al. Gastric cancer: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. Ann Oncol 2016; 27 (Suppl. 05) v38-v49
- 6 (AB), A.H.S.E. Gastric cancer, clinical practice guideline GI-008 [Internet]. Available from: , Accessed 2017 Feb 10
- 7 Leitlinienprogramm Onkologie (Deutsche Krebsgesellschaft, D.K., AWMF), S3-Leitlinie Palliativmedizin für Patienten mit einer nicht heilbaren Krebserkrankung Langversion 1.1. AWMF-Registernummer: 128/001OL, Mai 2015. (Zugriff am 28.02.2017)
- 8
- 9 Langer G. et al. GRADE guidelines: 1. Introduction – GRADE evidence profiles and summary of findings tables. Z Evid Fortbild Qual Gesundhwes 2012; 106: 357-368
- 10 Kommission, A.d.W.M.F.-S. Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Wissenschaftlichen Medizinischen Fachgesellschaften – Ständige Kommission. 1.. Auflage 2012
- 11 Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Wissenschaftlichen Medizinischen Fachgesellschaften – Ständige Kommission, L. AWMF-Regelwerk „Leitlinien“. 1.. Auflage 2012. [cited 09.12.2013; Available from:
- 12 Alexander PE. et al. World Health Organization strong recommendations based on low- quality evidence (study quality) are frequent and often inconsistent with GRADE guidance. J Clin Epidemiol 2016; 72: 98-106
- 13 Leitlinienprogramm Onkologie (Deutsche Krebsgesellschaft (DKG), D.K.D., Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Wissenschaftlichen Medizinischen Fachgesellschaften (AWMF)), Entwicklung von Leitlinien basierten Qualitätsindikatoren. Methodenpapier für das Leitlinienprogramm Onkologie. Version 2.0. 2017. 2017 Berlin:
- 14 Plummer M. et al. Global burden of gastric cancer attributable to Helicobacter pylori. Int J Cancer 2015; 136: 487-490
- 15 Cavaleiro-Pinto M. et al. Helicobacter pylori infection and gastric cardia cancer: systematic review and meta-analysis. Cancer Causes Control 2011; 22: 375-387
- 16 Ford AC. et al. Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy to prevent gastric cancer in healthy asymptomatic infected individuals: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. BMJ 2014; 348: g3174
- 17 Yaghoobi M. et al. What is the quantitative risk of gastric cancer in the first-degree relatives of patients? A meta-analysis. World J Gastroenterol 2017; 23: 2435-2442
- 18 Corso G. et al.A meta-analysis Frequency of CDH1 germline mutations in gastric carcinoma coming from high- and low-risk areas: metanalysis and systematic review of the literature. BMC Cancer 2012; 12: 8
- 19 Terasawa T. et al. Prediction of gastric cancer development by serum pepsinogen test and Helicobacter pylori seropositivity in Eastern Asians: a systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS One 2014; 9: e109783
- 20 Huang YK. et al. Significance of Serum Pepsinogens as a Biomarker for Gastric Cancer and Atrophic Gastritis Screening: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. PLoS One 2015; 10: e0142080
- 21 Tersmette AC. et al. Meta-analysis of the risk of gastric stump cancer: detection of high risk patient subsets for stomach cancer after remote partial gastrectomy for benign conditions. Cancer Res 1990; 50: 6486-6489
- 22 Tran-Duy A. et al. Use of Proton Pump Inhibitors and Risks of Fundic Gland Polyps and Gastric Cancer: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2016; 14: 1706-1719 e5
- 23 Jeon HK. et al. A randomized trial to determine the diagnostic accuracy of conventional vs. jumbo forceps biopsy of gastric epithelial neoplasias before endoscopic submucosal dissection; open-label study. Gastric Cancer 2014; 17: 661-668
- 24 Li Z. et al. Confocal laser endomicroscopy for in vivo detection of gastric intestinal metaplasia: a randomized controlled trial. Endoscopy 2014; 46: 282-290
- 25 Park SR. et al. Extra-gain of HER2-positive cases through HER2 reassessment in primary and metastatic sites in advanced gastric cancer with initially HER2-negative primary tumours: Results of GASTric cancer HER2 reassessment study 1 (GASTHER1). Eur J Cancer 2016; 53: 42-50
- 26 Tongtawee T. et al. Improved Detection of Helicobacter pylori Infection and Premalignant Gastric Mucosa Using „Site Specific Biopsy“: a Randomized Control Clinical Trial. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev 2015; 16: 8487-8490
- 27 Li P. et al. Fluorine-18-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography to evaluate recurrent gastric cancer after surgical resection: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Ann Nucl Med 2016; 30: 179-187
- 28 Bilici A. et al. The role of (1)(8)F-FDG PET/CT in the assessment of suspected recurrent gastric cancer after initial surgical resection: can the results of FDG PET/CT influence patients’ treatment decision making?. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2011; 38: 64-73
- 29 Graziosi L. et al. Role of FDG-PET/CT in follow-up of patients treated with resective gastric surgery for tumour. Ann Ital Chir 2011; 82: 125-129
- 30 Jadvar H. et al. Evaluation of recurrent gastric malignancy with [F-18]-FDG positron emission tomography. Clin Radiol 2003; 58: 215-221
- 31 Kim DW, Park SA, Kim CG. Detecting the recurrence of gastric cancer after curative resection: comparison of FDG PET/CT and contrast-enhanced abdominal CT. J Korean Med Sci 2011; 26: 875-880
- 32 Lee DY. et al. Performance of (18)F-FDG PET/CT as a postoperative surveillance imaging modality for asymptomatic advanced gastric cancer patients. Ann Nucl Med 2014; 28: 789-795
- 33 Lee JE. et al. The role of 18F-FDG PET/CT in the evaluation of gastric cancer recurrence after curative gastrectomy. Yonsei Med J 2011; 52: 81-88
- 34 Ma LYG, Fu Z, Han AQ. et al. Value of F-FDG PET/CT in the evaluation of gastric carcinoma. Chin J Nucl Med 2009; 50: 167-170
- 35 Nakamoto Y. et al. Clinical value of whole-body FDG-PET for recurrent gastric cancer: a multicenter study. Jpn J Clin Oncol 2009; 39: 297-302
- 36 De Potter T. et al. Whole-body PET with FDG for the diagnosis of recurrent gastric cancer. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2002; 29: 525-529
- 37 Park MJ. et al. Detecting recurrence of gastric cancer: the value of FDG PET/CT. Abdom Imaging 2009; 34: 441-447
- 38 Sharma P. et al. 18F-FDG PET-CT for detecting recurrent gastric adenocarcinoma: results from a Non-Oriental Asian population. Nucl Med Commun 2012; 33: 960-966
- 39 Sim SH. et al. The role of PET/CT in detection of gastric cancer recurrence. BMC Cancer 2009; 9: 73
- 40 Sun L. et al. Clinical role of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography in post-operative follow up of gastric cancer: initial results. World J Gastroenterol 2008; 14: 4627-4632
- 41 Yun M. et al. The role of gastric distention in differentiating recurrent tumor from physiologic uptake in the remnant stomach on 18F-FDG PET. J Nucl Med 2005; 46: 953-957
- 42 Zou H, Zhao Y. 18FDG PET-CT for detecting gastric cancer recurrence after surgical resection: a meta-analysis. Surg Oncol 2013; 22: 162-166
- 43 Ahn DH. et al. Association of the miR-146aC > G, miR-149T > C, miR-196a2T > C, and miR- 499A>G polymorphisms with gastric cancer risk and survival in the Korean population. Mol Carcinog 2013; 52 (Suppl. 01) E39-E51
- 44 Lee JW. et al. Role of (1)(8)F-FDG PET/CT in the prediction of gastric cancer recurrence after curative surgical resection. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2012; 39: 1425-1434
- 45 Smyth E. et al. A prospective evaluation of the utility of 2-deoxy-2-[(18) F]fluoro-D-glucose positron emission tomography and computed tomography in staging locally advanced gastric cancer. Cancer 2012; 118: 5481-5488
- 46 Wang C. et al. The Predictive and Prognostic Value of Early Metabolic Response Assessed by Positron Emission Tomography in Advanced Gastric Cancer Treated with Chemotherapy. Clin Cancer Res 2016; 22: 1603-1610
- 47 Park JC. et al. Predictive value of pretreatment metabolic activity measured by fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography in patients with metastatic advanced gastric cancer: the maximal SUV of the stomach is a prognostic factor. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2012; 39: 1107-1116
- 48 Na SJ. et al. Prognostic value of metabolic parameters on preoperative 18F- fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography in patients with stage III gastric cancer. Oncotarget 2016; 7: 63968-63980
- 49 Lehmann K. et al. 18FDG-PET-CT improves specificity of preoperative lymph-node staging in patients with intestinal but not diffuse-type esophagogastric adenocarcinoma. Eur J Surg Oncol 2017; 43: 196-202
- 50 Ramos RF. et al. Staging laparoscopy in gastric cancer to detect peritoneal metastases: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Eur J Surg Oncol 2016; 42: 1315-1321
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- 62 Ribeiro Jr U. et al. Does the intraoperative peritoneal lavage cytology add prognostic information in patients with potentially curative gastric resection?. J Gastrointest Surg 2006; 10: 170-176 , discussion 176–177
- 63 De Andrade JP, Mezhir JJ. The critical role of peritoneal cytology in the staging of gastric cancer: an evidence-based review. J Surg Oncol 2014; 110: 291-297
- 64 Satoh S. et al. Phase II trial of combined treatment consisting of preoperative S-1 plus cisplatin followed by gastrectomy and postoperative S-1 for stage IV gastric cancer. Gastric Cancer 2012; 15: 61-69
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- 132 Da MX. et al. Expression of cyclooxygenase-2 and vascular endothelial growth factor-C correlates with lymphangiogenesis and lymphatic invasion in human gastric cancer. Arch Med Res 2008; 39: 92-99
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- 134 Deng J. et al. Vascular endothelial growth factor-D is correlated with hepatic metastasis from gastric cancer after radical gastrectomy. Surgery 2009; 146: 896-905
- 135 Gou HF. et al. Expressions of COX-2 and VEGF-C in gastric cancer: correlations with lymphangiogenesis and prognostic implications. J Exp Clin Cancer Res 2011; 30: 14
- 136 Han FH. et al. The effect of the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-C and VEGF receptor-3 on the clinical outcome in patients with gastric carcinoma. Eur J Surg Oncol 2010; 36: 1172-1179
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- 138 Kolev Y. et al. Prognostic significance of VEGF expression in correlation with COX-2, microvessel density, and clinicopathological characteristics in human gastric carcinoma. Ann Surg Oncol 2007; 14: 2738-2747
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- 144 Tsutsumi S. et al. Vascular endothelial growth factor C (VEGF-C) expression in pT2 gastric cancer. Hepatogastroenterology 2005; 52: 629-632
- 145 Vidal O. et al. High preoperative serum vascular endothelial growth factor levels predict poor clinical outcome after curative resection of gastric cancer. Br J Surg 2009; 96: 1443-1451
- 146 Wang TB. et al. Association of serum vascular endothelial growth factor-C and lymphatic vessel density with lymph node metastasis and prognosis of patients with gastric cancer. World J Gastroenterol 2007; 13: 1794-1797 ; discussion 1797–1798
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