Die anteriore Uveitis umfasst eine Entzündung der Iris und/oder des Ziliarkörpers und ist die häufigste Form der intraokularen Entzündung in der augenärztlichen Praxis. Anamnese und (Leit-)Befunde bei der Spaltlampenuntersuchung bieten oft bereits wichtige Hinweise zur Pathogenese und damit zur weiteren diagnostischen Abklärung und Therapie.
Anterior uveitis involves inflammation of the iris and/or ciliary body and is the most common intraocular inflammation in ophthalmological practice. It can be attributed to an infectious or immune-mediated genesis or be associated with systemic diseases. Anamnesis and (guiding) findings during the slit lamp examination often already provide important information on pathogenesis and thus on further diagnostic clarification and therapy. This includes the assessment of laterality, acute or chronic course of the disease and morphological criteria (granulomatous/non-granulomatous). The guideline-compliant procedure recommends further diagnosis with targeted laboratory diagnostics and, if necessary, consultative examinations if the disease recurs. This is important in order to pursue a targeted treatment approach and to recognize comorbidities.
anteriore Uveitis - Diagnostik - HLA-B27 - Spondyloarthritis - Systemerkrankung - virale Uveitis
Key words
anterior uveitis - diagnostics - HLA-B27 - spondyloarthritis - systemic disease - viral uveitis