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DOI: 10.1055/a-1082-0650
Transgender im Jugendalter: Forschungsstand und zukünftiger Forschungsbedarf
Transgender in Adolescence: State of the Art and Future Research NeedsPublikationsverlauf
08. April 2020 (online)

Transgender im Jugendalter ist ein viel diskutiertes Thema, das sich auch durch eine zunehmende Prävalenz im klinischen Alltag zeigt. Diese Literaturrecherche zu Transgender, Transgeschlechtlichkeit, Transidentität, Trans*, Geschlechtsdysphorie oder Geschlechtsinkongruenz im Jugendalter berichtet neben den aktuellen Entwicklungen die Ergebnisse zu den mittel- bis langfristigen Folgen einer körpermedizinischen Behandlung und der Bedeutung des sozialen Umfelds. Zudem diskutiert der Beitrag Implikationen für die Versorgung und die zukünftige Forschung.
Transgender in adolescence is currently a widely discussed topic, additionally reflected by an increasing prevalence in clinical practice. The present review of the available literature on transgender, trans* , gender dysphoria or gender incongruence in youth reports results on the long-term results of medical interventions for the psychological well-being, prevalence, referral rates and sex ratio, developmental pathways, current developments and the role of the social environment. Finally, implications for clinical care and future research will be discussed.
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- 8 Richter-Appelt H, Nieder TO. Transgender-Gesundheitsversorgung. Eine kommentierte Herausgabe der Standards of Care der World Professional Association for Transgender Health. Gießen: Psychosozial-Verlag; 2014
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- 10 Hembree WC, Cohen-Kettenis PT, Gooren L. et al. Endocrine treatment of gender-dysphoric/gender-incongruent persons: an endocrine society clinical practice guideline. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2017; 102: 3869-3903
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- 13 White Hughto JM, Reisner SL. A Systematic Review of the Effects of Hormone Therapy on Psychological Functioning and Quality of Life in Transgender Individuals. Transgend Health 2016; 1: 21-31 10.1089/trgh.2015.0008
- 14 Costa R, Carmichael P, Colizzi M. To treat or not to treat: puberty suppression in childhood-onset gender dysphoria. Nat Rev Urol 2016; 13: 456-462
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- 18 de Vries ALC, McGuire JK, Steensma TD. et al. Young Adult Psychological Outcome After Puberty Suppression and Gender Reassignment. Pediatrics 2014; 134: 696-704
- 19 de Vries ALC, Steensma TD, Doreleijers TAH. et al. Puberty suppression in adolescents with gender identity disorder: A prospective follow-up study. J Sex Med 2011; 8: 2276-2283
- 20 Costa R, Dunsford M, Skagerberg E. et al. Psychological support, puberty suppression, and psychosocial functioning in adolescents with gender dysphoria. J Sex Med 2015; 12: 2206-2214
- 21 Aitken M, Steensma TD, Blanchard R. et al. Evidence for an altered sex ratio in clinic-referred adolescents with gender dysphoria. J Sex Med 2015; 12: 756-763
- 22 Zucker KJ. Epidemiology of gender dysphoria and transgender identity. Sex Health 2017; 14: 404-411 10.1071/SH17067
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- 24 Collin L, Reisner SL, Tangpricha V. et al. Prevalence of Transgender depends on the “Case” Definition: A Systematic Review. J Sex Med 2016; 13: 613-626
- 25 Arnoldussen M, Steensma TD, Popma A. et al. Re-evaluation of the Dutch approach: are recently referred transgender youth different compared to earlier referrals?. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2019 Aug 31 10.1007/s00787-019-01394-6
- 26 de Graaf NM, Giovanardi G, Zitz C. et al. Sex Ratio in Children and Adolescents Referred to the Gender Identity Development Service in the UK (2009–2016). Arch Sex Behav 2018; 47: 1301-1304
- 27 Steensma TD, Cohen-Kettenis PT, Zucker KJ. Evidence for a Change in the Sex Ratio of Children Referred for Gender Dysphoria: Data from the Center of Expertise on Gender Dysphoria in Amsterdam (1988–2016). J Sex Marital Ther 2018; 44: 713-715 10.1080/0092623X.2018.1437580
- 28 Zucker KJ, Bradley SJ, Sanikhani M. Sex differences in referral rates of children with gender identity disorder: Some hypotheses. J Abnorm Child Psychol 1997; 25: 217-227
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- 32 Cohen-Kettenis PT, Pfaefflin F. Transgenderism and Intersexuality in Childhood and Adolescence Making Choices. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishing House; 2003
- 33 de Vries AL, Steensma TD, Cohen-Kettenis PT. et al. (2016). Poor peer relations predict parent- and self-reported behavioral and emotional problems of adolescents with gender dysphoria: a cross-national, cross-clinic comparative analysis. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2016; 25: 579-588
- 34 de Vries AL, Cohen-Kettenis PT. Clinical management of gender dysphoria in children and adolescents: the Dutch approach. J Homosex 2012; 59: 301-320 10.1080/00918369.2012.653300
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- 36 Olson-Kennedy J, Cohen-Kettenis PT, Kreukels BP. et al. Research priorities for gender nonconforming/transgender youth: gender identity development and biopsychosocial outcomes. Curr Opin Endocrinol Diabetes Obes 2016; 23: 172-179 . doi: 10.1097/MED.0000000000000236
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- 38 Clark TC, Lucassen MF, Bullen P. et al. The health and well-being of transgender high school students: results from the New Zealand adolescent health survey (Youth’12). J Adolesc Health 2014; 55: 93-99
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- 40 Steensma TD, Cohen-Kettenis PT. More than two developmental pathways in children with gender dysphoria?. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2015; 54: 147-148
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- 57 McGuire JK, Doty JL, Catalp JM. et al. Body image in transgender young people: Findings from a qualitative, community based study. Body Image 2016; 18: 96-107
- 58 Koehler A, Eyssel J, Nieder TO. Genders and Individual Treatment Progress in (Non-)Binary Trans Individuals. J Sex Med 2018; 15: 102-113 10.1016/j.jsxm.2017.11.007
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