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DOI: 10.1055/a-1110-3394
Hearing Secret Harmonies: Balint and The Re-Imagining of Medicine
21st IBF Conference Porto September 2019 Balint: Seeing Medicine through Other Eyes Opening TalkGeheime Harmonien hören: Balint und das Umdenken in der Medizin21st IBF Conference Porto September 2019 Balint: Seeing Medicine through Other Eyes Opening TalkPublication History
Publication Date:
26 March 2020 (online)

The author uses three poems – all by the same poet who was a respiratory physician – to describe the role the imagination in Balint groups, profoundly psychoanalytic in principle, in re-imagining medicine. He states that doctors emerge from medical school ‘one-eyed’ but can slowly move to restore ‘binocular vision’ through emotional insight and greater awareness of relationships gained through participation in a Balint group. He cites Enid Balint’s concept of ‘imaginative perception’ and describes a case which brings many of the themes of the talk together including unconscious communication and the nature of ‘time’ in the GP’s consulting room.
Der Autor verwendet 3 Gedichte – alle von demselben Dichter, einem Lungenfacharzt -, um – im Prinzip zutiefst psychoanalytisch – die Rolle der Imagination in Balint-Gruppen, zu beschreiben und um damit die Medizin neu zu erfinden. Er stellt fest, dass Ärzte aus der medizinischen Fakultät „einäugig“ hervorgehen, sich aber langsam dahin entwickeln können, durch emotionale Einsicht und ein größeres Bewusstsein für Beziehungen das „binokulare Sehen“ – gewonnen durch die Teilnahme an einer Balint-Gruppe – wiederherzustellen. Er zitiert Enid Balints Konzept der „imaginativen Wahrnehmung“ und beschreibt einen Fall, der viele der Gesprächsthemen zusammenbringt, einschließlich denen der unbewussten Kommunikation und der zeitlichen Situation im Sprechzimmer des Hausarztes.
- 1 Jones E. The Life and Work of Sigmund Freud. London: Penguin Books; 1964
- 2 Courtenay M. The doctor, the genius and his illness. Proceedings of the 15th International Balint Congress. (Lisbon) 2007
- 3 Dannie Abse. All the poems quoted: ‘The Doctor’, ‘X-ray’ and ‘Song for Pythagoras’ can be found in White Coat, Purple Coat Collected Poems. 1948-1988 Hutchinson; London: 1989
- 4 Sacks O. Awakenings Gerald Duckworth, London. 1973
- 5 Balint M. The Doctor, his Patient and the Illness. London: Pitman Publishing Ltd; 1957
- 6 Heaney S. Preoccupations: Selected Prose. 1968-1978 London: Faber; 1980
- 7 Freud S. The Ego and the Id. Standard Edition, vol. 19, 7-109. 1923
- 8 Balint E. Before I was I Psychoanalysis and the imagination. Eds. Mitchell, J & Parsons, M) London: Free Association Books; Chapter11: The Psychoanalyst and Medicine, (1975). Chapter: Creative Life 1993
- 9 Winnicott D. The child, the family and the outside world. London: Penguin Books; 1964
- 10 Holmes J. Exploring in Security: Towards an Attachment-informed Psychoanaytic Psychotherapy. Hove: Routledge; 2010
- 11 Shakespeare W. (1911-1962) The Comedies of Shakespeare. A Midsummer Night’s Dream W. Craig. Ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press;
- 12 Rovelli C. The Order of Time UK: Penguin Random House. 2018
- 13 Wolfe T. Look Homeward, Angel: The Story of a Buried Life. New York: Random House; 1929
- 14 McWhinney I. The physician as healer: the legacy of Michael Balint. Proceedings of 11th International Balint Congress edited by John Salinsky. London: The Balint Society; 1998
- 15 Medawar P. Victims of Psychiatry. New York Review of Books. 23 January. 1975
- 16 Balint E, Courtenay M, Elder A, Hull S, Julian P. The Doctor, the Patient and the Group. Balint Revisited. London: Routledge; 1993
- 17 Holmes J, Nolte T. “Surprise” and the Bayesian Brain: Implications for Psychotherapy and Practice. Frontiers in Psychology, Vol 10. Article 592. March. 2019
- 18 Morrison L. (Ed.) (2014, 2016, 2018) Tools of the Trade: Poems for new doctors. Scottish Poetry Library;