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DOI: 10.1055/a-1172-1352
Endocrine Conditions and COVID-19
Funding Information This work was funded by the intramural research program of the National Institutes of Health.![](
COVID-19 was declared a global pandemic by the WHO and has affected millions of patients around the world. COVID-19 disproportionately affects persons with endocrine conditions, thus putting them at an increased risk for severe disease. We discuss the mechanisms that place persons with endocrine conditions at an additional risk for severe COVID-19 and review the evidence. We also suggest precautions and management of endocrine conditions in the setting of global curfews being imposed and offer practical tips for uninterrupted endocrine care.
Eingereicht: 22. April 2020
Angenommen: 30. April 2020
Artikel online veröffentlicht:
08. Juni 2020
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG
Stuttgart · New York
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