Das abdominelle Kompartmentsyndrom (ACS) ist ein lebensbedrohliches Krankheitsbild, dessen Behandlungserfolg insbesondere von einer zeitnahen zielführenden Diagnostik und adäquaten Behandlungsprinzipien abhängt. Dieser CME-Beitrag beschreibt die pathophysiologischen Vorgänge beim ACS sowie das diagnostische und therapeutische Vorgehen bei diesen schwerst gefährdeten, intensivpflichtigen Patienten.
Intra-abdominal hypertension and acute abdominal compartment syndrome are complex diseases that have a high morbidity and mortality and must be treated on an interdisciplinary basis in an intensive care unit. In order to be able to recognize and treat an ACS in good time, the intra-abdominal pressure should be measured every 4 – 6 hours in seriously ill patients with risk factors for an ACS. The measurement of the bladder pressure has proven to be valid and meaningful. The most effective method of pressure relief is the complete median laparotomy. Before surgical intervention, all conservative measures should be exhausted, since surgical decompression also has a high mortality and morbidity. Different approaches have been described for dealing with the open abdomen. Today, best experiences have been made with continuous negative pressure dressings and stepwise closure of the abdomen. After the abdomen is closed, complex incisional hernias occur, which require extensive
surgeries to repair. Despite well-developed conservative and surgical methods of treating IAH and ACS, mortality and morbidity remain high.
intraabdomineller Hochdruck - abdominelles Kompartmentsyndrom - Diagnostik - Therapie
Key words
intra-abdominal hypertension, acute abdominal compartment syndrome, diagnostics, therapy