Aktuelle Dermatologie, Table of Contents Aktuelle Dermatologie 2021; 47(04): 135-136DOI: 10.1055/a-1367-0626 Editorial Die Haut unter der Maske Skin Beneath the Mask C. Bayerl Recommend Article Abstract Full Text References Literatur 1 Yan Y, Chen H, Chen L. et al. Consensus of Chinese experts on protection of skin and mucous membrane barrier for health-care workers fighting against coronavirus disease 2019. Dermat Ther 2020; 33: e13310 2 Battista RA, Ferraro M, Piccioni LO. et al. Personal protective equipment (PPE) in COVID 19 pandemic. J Occup Environ Med 2021; 63: e80-e85 3 Hu K, Fan J, Li X. et al. The adverse skin reactions of health care workers using personal protective equipment for COVID-19. Medicine (Baltimore) 2020; 99: e20603 4 Damiani G, Gironi LC, Kridin K. et al. Mask-induced Koebner phenomenon and its clinical phenotypes: A multicenter, real-life study focusing on 873 dermatological consultations during COVID-19 pandemics. Dermatol Ther 2021; e14823 Online ahead of print 5 Scarano A, Inchingolo F, Lorusso F. Facial skin temperature and discomfort when wearing protective face masks; thermal infrared imaging evaluation and hands moving the mask. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2020; 17: 4624 6 Munavalli GG, Guthridge R, Knutsen-Larson S. et al. COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2 virus spike protein-related delayed inflammatory reation to hyaluronic acid derma fillers: a challenging clinical conundrum in diagnosis and treatment. Arch Dermatol Res 2021; 1-15 Online ahead of print 7 Conrad D, Raulin C. Covid-19-Impfung – (k)ein Risiko für Patienten mit dermalen Fillern?. Derm 2021; 27: 29-33