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DOI: 10.1055/a-1390-4320
Prenatal and Obstetric Parameters of Late Terminations: A Retrospective Analysis
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Background In Germany, the highly sensitive issue of late terminations of pregnancy and feticide is regulated in Sec. 218a para. 2 of the German Penal Code (medical indication). This study aimed to investigate the prenatal obstetric approach after feticide and the rate of maternal complications.
Material and Methods All feticides of singleton pregnancies carried out at Leipzig University Hospital (n = 164) in the period between 01/2016 and 12/2019 were retrospectively analyzed. Selective feticides of multiple pregnancies were excluded from the study. Target indicators for the prenatal obstetric approach were sonographic accuracy of estimation, method used to induce feticide, time between feticide and delivery, and whether curettage was required. The rate of maternal complications was defined as blood loss of ≥ 500 ml.
Results The number of feticides as a percentage of the total number of births during the investigation period was 1.6%. None of the terminations were performed primarily because of a serious risk to the motherʼs physical health; all of the indications to terminate the pregnancy were based on the psychosocial burden and the risk to the motherʼs mental health as outlined in Sec. 218a StGB (German Penal Code). The most common fetal diagnoses in the context of a maternal psychosocial emergency were central nervous system abnormalities (29.3%), numerical chromosomal aberrations (29.3%) and structural chromosomal aberrations/syndromes (21.3%). Sonographic measurements were used to estimate fetal weight and the weight of around half of the fetuses was underestimated (− 121.8 ± 155.8 g). The margin of estimation error increased with increasing gestational age (p < 0.001). Misoprostol was the most common drug administered to induce labor. No significant association was found between the method chosen for induction, parity, fetal birth position, fetal anomaly, fetal gender, birth mode or the number of previous cesarean sections and Δdelivery. However, a significantly higher loss of blood was observed with longer Δdelivery (p = 0.02). The likelihood of requiring curettage increased with increasing loss of blood. The number of maternal complications as a percentage of the total patient population was 10.4%. Only 11% of patients agreed to a postmortem examination.
Conclusion Late terminations of pregnancy carried out in accordance with Sec. 218a para. 2 StGB are a reality and must be understood and accepted as a possible consequence of modern prenatal medicine. The complication rate after feticide and the subsequent obstetric procedure was 10% for the above-defined maternal complication. Late terminations and their obstetric management should be carried out in specialized perinatal centers which offer interprofessional expertise.
Publication History
Received: 07 November 2020
Accepted after revision: 12 February 2021
Article published online:
13 July 2021
© 2021. The Author(s). This is an open access article published by Thieme under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonDerivative-NonCommercial License, permitting copying and reproduction so long as the original work is given appropriate credit. Contents may not be used for commecial purposes, or adapted, remixed, transformed or built upon. (
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