Purpose To compare the performances of two multicomponent compression systems.
Methods In this randomised controlled trial, both legs of 25 healthy volunteers were randomly bandaged with either a new generation of compression system (UrgoK1, one unique bandage) or an established system (UrgoK2, two bandages), as a control. Both systems were worn day and night. Working and resting interfaces pressures were measured, and Static Stiffness Index (SSI) calculated, immediately after application and after 4 h, 24 h, 48 h and 72 h.
Results After 4 hours, similar high working pressures and moderate resting pressures were registered with both systems. Over time, changes in pressures and in SSI followed the same curves. After 48 h, a SSI ≥ 10 mmHg was reached with 88 % and 76 % of the tested and control systems, respectively, validating the non-inferior rigidity of the tested system (p = 0.016). Both systems presented good holding properties and were well tolerated, but the tested system was perceived as significantly more comfortable and eventually preferred to the control system by the majority of the volunteers.
Conclusion The new compression system achieved similar performances to the control, but its better acceptability could become an asset for patients’ compliance. These promising results need to be confirmed in a clinical study on patients with leg ulcers and/or oedema.
Key words
multicomponent compression system - static stiffness index - interface pressure
Mehrkomponentenkompressionssystem - Statischer Steifigkeitsindex - Grenzflächendruck