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DOI: 10.1055/a-1657-9676
Apart from the Medical Complaints, Why do Patients Use Emergency Medical Services? Results of a Patient Survey
Warum nutzen Patient*innen den Rettungsdienst – abgesehen von ihren medizinischen Beschwerden? Ergebnisse einer Patient*innenbefragung Funding This work was funded by the German Innovation Fund of the Joint Federal Committee (G-BA) [grant number 01VSF17032]
Introduction Many countries face an increased use of emergency medical services (EMS) with a decreasing percentage of life-threatening complaints. Though there is a broad discussion among experts about the cause, patients' self-perceived, non-medical reasons for using EMS remain largely unknown.
Methods The written survey included EMS patients who had≥1 case of prehospital emergency care in 2016. Four German health insurance companies sent out postal questionnaires to 1312 insured patients. The response rate was 20%; 254 questionnaires were eligible for descriptive and interferential analyses (t-tests, chi2-tests, logistic models).
Results The majority of respondents indicated that their EMS use was due to an emergency or someone else’s decision (≥84%; multiple checks allowed); 56% gave need for a quick transport as a reason. Other frequently stated reasons addressed the health care system (e. g., complaints outside of physicians’ opening hours) and insecurity/anxiety about one’s state of health (>45% of the respondents). “Social factors” were similarly important (e. g., 42% affirming, “No one could give me a ride to the emergency department or doctor’s office.”). Every fifth person had contact with other emergency care providers prior to EMS use. Respondents negating an emergency as a reason were less likely to confirm wanting immediate medical care on site or quick transports compared to those affirming an emergency. Patients using EMS at night more often denied having an emergency compared to patients with access to care during the day.
Conclusion The study identified a bundle of reasons leading to EMS use apart from medical complaints. Attempts for needs-oriented EMS use should essentially include optimization of the health care and social support system and measures to reduce patients’ insecurity.
Patient*innen des Rettungsdienstes (RD) gaben mehrheitlich an, dass ihre RD-Nutzung durch einen Notfall, die Entscheidung Dritter oder dem Bedarf nach einem schnellen Transport bedingt war. Andere häufig genannte Gründe adressierten das Gesundheitssystem, Unsicherheit/Angst über den eigenen Gesundheitszustand und soziale Faktoren. Patient*innen, die nachts einen RD nutzen, verneinten einen Notfall mit tendenziell höherer Wahrscheinlichkeit als Patient*innen mit Inanspruchnahme tagsüber.
Key words
ambulance - emergency medical services - patients - prehospital emergency care - surveys and questionnairesSchlüsselwörter
Krankenwagen - Rettungsdienst - Patienten - prehospitale Notfallversorgung - Befragungungen und FragebögenPublikationsverlauf
Artikel online veröffentlicht:
30. November 2021
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