Synthesis 2022; 54(08): 1939-1950
DOI: 10.1055/a-1729-9664
short review

Enantioselective C–H Functionalization toward Silicon-Stereogenic Silanes

Wei Yuan
Chuan He
We are grateful for financial support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (21901104, 22122102, 22101120), Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Catalysis (2020B121201002), and the Stable Support Plan Program of Shenzhen Natural Science Fund (Program Contract No. 20200925152450004).


In recent years, transition-metal-catalyzed enantioselective C–H bond functionalization has emerged as a powerful and attractive synthetic approach to access silicon-stereogenic centers, which provides impetus for the innovation of chiral organosilicon chemistry. This short review summarizes recent advances in the construction of silicon-stereogenic silanes via transition-metal-catalyzed enantioselective C–H functionalization. We endeavor to highlight the great potential of this methodology and hope that this review will shed light on new perspectives and inspire further research in this emerging area.

1 Introduction

2 Enantioselective C–H Functionalization Induced by Oxidative Addition­ of an Aryl-OTf Bond

3 Enantioselective C–H Functionalization Induced by Oxidative Addition­ of a Silacyclobutane

4 Directing-Group-Assisted Enantioselective C–H Functionalization

5 Enantioselective Dehydrogenative C–H/Si–H Coupling

5.1 Enantioselective C(sp2)–H Silylation

5.2 Enantioselective C(sp3)–H Silylation

6 Summary and Outlook


Eingereicht: 07. Dezember 2021

Angenommen nach Revision: 03. Januar 2022

Accepted Manuscript online:
03. Januar 2022

Artikel online veröffentlicht:
15. Februar 2022

© 2022. Thieme. All rights reserved

Georg Thieme Verlag KG
Rüdigerstraße 14, 70469 Stuttgart, Germany

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