Planta Medica, Table of Contents Planta Med 2022; 88(14): 1341-1347DOI: 10.1055/a-1792-3214 Natural Product Chemistry and Analytical Studies Original Papers Identification of Anticryptococcal Bornyl Compounds from Verbesina turbacensis and Their Structure-Activity Relationships Chelsea N. Powers 1 Department of Chemistry, The University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, AL, USA , John A. Mayo 1 Department of Chemistry, The University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, AL, USA , Debra M. Moriarity 2 Department of Biological Sciences, The University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, AL, USA , Bernhard Vogler 1 Department of Chemistry, The University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, AL, USA , William N. Setzer 1 Department of Chemistry, The University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, AL, USA , Robert L. McFeeters 1 Department of Chemistry, The University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, AL, USA › Author Affiliations Recommend Article Abstract Buy Article Abstract Cryptococcus neoformans is an opportunistic fungal pathogen that has limited treatment options. Natural product plant extracts offer a cost-effective option for the discovery of new anticryptococcal lead compounds. The acetone bark extract of Verbesina turbacensis was found to potently inhibit C. neoformans and was subjected to bioautography. Two compounds that inhibited the growth of C. neoformans were isolated and displayed minimum inhibitory concentration values of 10 and 310 µg/mL. The compounds were identified as the bornyl hydroxycinnamic esters bornyl caffeate and bornyl ferulate, respectively. To better understand initial structure-activity relationships, anticryptococcal activity was characterized for similar compounds. All compounds were further evaluated for mammalian cell toxicity using the MTT assay with MCF-7 and HEK-293 cell lines. Overall, bornyl caffeate demonstrated promising anticryptococcal potential given its potent inhibition of C. neoformans and low mammalian cell toxicity. Key words Key wordsantifungal - Cryptococcus neoformans - natural product extract - bioautography - antifungal drug discovery - bornyl caffeate - Verbesina turbacensis - Asteraceae - Tremellaceae Full Text References References 1 Brown GD, Denning DW, Gow NAR, Levitz SM, Netea MG, White TC. Hidden killers: human fungal infections. Sci Transl Med 2012; 4: 165rv13 2 Vallabhaneni S, Mody RK, Walker T, Chiller T. The global burden of fungal diseases. Infect Dis Clin North Am 2016; 30: 1-11 3 Campoy S, Adrio JL. Antifungals. Biochem Pharmacol 2017; 133: 86-96 4 Rajasingham R, Smith RM, Park BJ, Jarvis JN, Govender NP, Chiller TM, Denning DW, Loyse A, Boulware DR. 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