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DOI: 10.1055/a-1953-2304
The Temporal Subcutaneous Brow Lift with Orbicularis Oculi Muscle Elastic Flap: Technical Considerations, Systematic Review, and Terminology Standardization

Objectives As the face ages, cosmetic changes in the periorbital region including eyebrow ptosis, sagging in the lateral temporo-orbital region with superior eyelid hooding, ptosis of orbicularis oculi muscle associated with drooping of the malar area with multiple “crow feets”, a deeper lid-cheek junction, and malar festoons also occur. All these periorbital structures should be considered as a single anatomical entity.
Methods Numerous techniques have been described to correct brow aesthetics in facial rejuvenation. We report the senior author's (M.P.) current approach utilizing a temporal subcutaneous brow lift (TSBL) associated with an orbicularis oculi muscle (OOM) elastic flap. Furthermore, a systematic review of the literature was performed comparing the different surgical approaches striving to clarify its terminology. A total of 298 patients underwent this procedure in 4 years period. Of these, 230 patients, with at least 12 months of follow-up, were submitted to subjective and objective methods to evaluate the self-perception of scar and their overall aesthetic satisfaction. A committee of experts, blinded to each other's assessment, evaluated the same outcomes. Total eyebrow's tail lift was measured and recorded for each patients.
Results The most satisfying aspect of these techniques is the dramatic periorbital rejuvenation and preservation of the patient's original youthful identity. In fact, the postoperative results appear very natural and do not suffer from an “operated” look. This aspect is noticeable from both the surgeon's and the patient's perceptions. There were no major complications in any of the cases.
Conclusions The proposed TSBL with OOM elastic flap technique, in the hands of senior author (M.P.) has emerged as a reliable, effective, and highly reproducible method to treat sagging and aging of the lateral region of the orbit, even without associated blepharoplasties.
Accepted Manuscript online:
29. September 2022
Artikel online veröffentlicht:
15. Dezember 2022
© 2022. Thieme. All rights reserved.
Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc.
333 Seventh Avenue, 18th Floor, New York, NY 10001, USA
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