Neovaskularisationsglaukome (NVG) gehören zu den im klinischen Alltag am häufigsten anzutreffenden Sekundärglaukomen. Sie stellen ein schwerwiegendes Krankheitsbild dar, das im
ungünstigsten Fall bis zu einer Enukleation führen kann. Dieser Beitrag gibt einen Überblick über die Pathogenese, die häufigsten zugrunde liegenden Erkrankungen, die erforderliche
Diagnostik und eine stadiengerechte Therapie.
Neovascular glaucoma (NVG) is a severe potentially blinding disease, which represents one of the most common types of secondary glaucomas. The majority of cases are caused by ischemic
retinal conditions such as diabetic retinopathy, central retinal vein occlusion or ocular ischemic syndrome. If appropriately diagnosed and treated, ideally the development of NVG can be
prevented. Since treatment gets increasingly challenging as the disease progresses, early diagnosis is of utmost importance. In this review pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment and prophylaxis
are discussed extensively. A focus is put on the consecutive stages through which the disease progresses and how to diagnose and differentiate them. Ultimately a stage adapted therapy
approach is detailed, consisting of the three blocks: 1. treatment of the underlying disease/retinal ischemia, 2. adjunctive medical therapy (anti-VEGF) and 3. therapy of the elevated
intraocular pressure.
Neovaskularisationsglaukom - Rubeosis iridis - Pathogenese - Diagnose - Therapie
Key words
Neovascular glaucoma - rubeosis iridis - pathogenesis - diagnosis - treatment