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DOI: 10.1055/a-1991-9977
Correction: Potential Benefit of Probiotic E. Coli Nissle in Term Neonates
A Multicentre Randomised Double Blind Controlled TrialErratum: Potentieller Nutzen des Probiotikums E. coli Nissle bei NeugeborenenEine multizentrische randomisierte kontrollierte DoppelblindstudieCORRECTION
Dirk Olbertz, Hans Proquitté, Ludwig Patzer, Thomas Erler, Alexsandra Mikolajczak, Iwona Sadowska-Krawczenko, Corinna Wolff, Michael Radke. Potential Benefit of Probiotic E. Coli Nissle in Term Neonates. Klin Padiatr
2022; DOI: 10.1055/a-1970-4340
In the above mentioned article the first sentence of the paragraph “Regulatory” was wrong correct is:
The trial was conducted at four sites in Germany (Klinikum Südstadt Rostock, Klinikum Westbrandenburg Potsdam, Universitätsklinikum Jena, Krankenhaus St Elisabeth & St Barbara Halle) and at two sites in Poland (Oddzial Kliniczny Noworodkow, Wczesniakow, Bydgoszcz, and Oddzial Kliniczny Neonatologiiul, Warszawa) from 7. October 2015 till 10. October 2020 under the auspices of Ardeypharm GmbH.
Publication History
Article published online:
13 December 2022
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