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DOI: 10.1055/a-1992-1323
Choriocapillary Flow Correlation with Axial Length in High Myopia – An Angiography Study with Optical Coherence Tomography
Choriokapillaris-Mikrozirkulation: Korrelation mit der axialen Bulbuslänge bei hoher Myopie – eine Untersuchung mit optischer Kohärenztomografie-Angiografie
Purpose To investigate parameters of retinal and choroidal microcirculation quantitatively with optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) in high myopic children, and to explore potential correlations with age, axial length (AL), spherical equivalent (SE), and central retinal thickness (CRT).
Methods En face angiograms were generated with an OCTA device and evaluated with automated density and flow analyzer algorithms. Perfusion parameters were correlated with age, AL, SE, and CRT using Spearmanʼs rank correlation analysis. Repeatability and reproducibility of perfusion parameter measurements were calculated in a high myopic cohort.
Results Repeatability and reproducibility of OCTA measurements were good, ranging from 3.6 – 6.5%. Strong positive correlation was identified between age and CRT (rho = 0.673, p = 0.00) as well as between AL and SE (rho = 0.844, p = 0.00). There was a strong negative correlation between AL and choriocapillary flow density (CCFD) (rho = − 0.612, p = 0.00), and a moderate negative correlation between age and superficial parafoveal retinal vessel density (SPRVD) as well as CCFD (rho = − 0.497, p = 0.013 and rho = − 0.483, p = 0.023, respectively).
Conclusion OCTA appears to be a reliable tool for the quantitative investigation of retinal and choroidal microcirculation in a high myopic pediatric cohort. CCFD reduction was associated with increasing AL in this cohort.
Ziel Quantitative Untersuchung retinaler und choroidaler Mikrozirkulationsparameter mittels optischer Kohärenztomografie-Angiografie (OCTA) in Augen hochmyoper Kinder sowie Korrelationen mit Alter, axialer Bulbuslänge (AL), sphärischem Äquivalent (SE) und zentraler retinaler Dicke (CRT).
Methoden En-face-Angiogramme wurden mit dem RTVue AngioVue OCTA (Software V.2018.01) erstellt und mit automatischen Dichte- und Flussanalysealgorithmen ausgewertet. Die Perfusionsparameter wurden mit Alter, AL, SE und CRT mithilfe von Spearmans Rangkorrelationskoeffizienten korreliert. Die Wiederholbarkeit und Reproduzierbarkeit von Messungen der Perfusionsparameter wurden in hochmyopen Augen berechnet.
Ergebnisse Die Wiederholbarkeit und Reproduzierbarkeit der OCTA-Messungen waren sehr gut und reichten von 3,6% bis 6,5%. Eine starke positive Korrelation wurde zwischen Alter und CRT (rho = 0,678; p = 0,00) und zwischen AL und SE (rho = 0,844; p = 0,00) gefunden. Eine starke negative Korrelation zeigte sich zwischen AL und choriokapillärer Flussdichte (CCFD) (rho = − 0,612; p = 0,00), und es gab eine negative Korrelation zwischen Alter und oberflächlicher parafovealer retinaler Gefäßdichte sowie CCFD (rho = − 0,497; p = 0,013 bzw. rho = − 0,483; p = 0,023).
Schlussfolgerung Die OCTA erwies sich als ein zuverlässiges Verfahren zur quantitativen Untersuchung der retinalen und choroidalen Mikrozirkulation – erstmals gemessen in einer pädiatrischen Kohorte mit hoher Myopie. Eine Reduktion der CCFD korreliert mit der zunehmenden axialen Bulbuslänge bei hoher Myopie.
Already known:
Retinal and choroidal microcirculation play a primary role in maintaining normal retinal function but could not be investigated in a detailed noninvasive way before the advent of OCTA.
Choroidal thinning has been known to occur along with axial elongation in progressive high myopic eyes, and accordingly, the density of the choriocapillaris has been expected to become reduced in a similar way.
Has not been known and needs to be clarified:
This association, however, has only been shown in morphometrical studies, but has not been confirmed in human eyes so far. For these reasons, our primary goal in this OCTA study was to explore correlations between parameters of retinal and choroidal microcirculation and myopia progression (axial elongation and myopic shift of SE) for high myopic eyes.
Newly described:
This is the first OCTA study to confirm the findings of previous studies with non-OCTA techniques, that choroidal vascular changes are correlated with the degree of high myopia, i.e., a statistically significant negative correlation has been identified between CCFD and AL in a high myopic pediatric cohort for the first time.
This is the second OCTA study to report on the repeatability and reproducibility of retinal and CCFD measurements in children, and the first to do it in a high myopic cohort.
optische Kohärenztomografie-Angiografie - Choriokapillaris - axiale Bulbuslänge - hohe Myopie - pathologische MyopiePublication History
Received: 12 December 2021
Accepted: 29 November 2022
Accepted Manuscript online:
02 December 2022
Article published online:
16 February 2023
© 2023. Thieme. All rights reserved.
Georg Thieme Verlag KG
Rüdigerstraße 14, 70469 Stuttgart, Germany
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