Weil die Erstsymptomatik maligner Neoplasien der Orbita häufig das Auge betrifft (Exophthalmus, Diplopie, Schmerzen), ist der Augenarzt häufig der erste mit der Problematik des jeweiligen
Krankheitsbildes konfrontierte Arzt, von dessen Kenntnissen, richtiger Einordnung und richtigen weiteren Entscheidungen die adäquate weitere Therapiesteuerung und die Prognose des Patienten
entscheidend abhängen.
Malignant masses of the orbit include a large variety of neoplasms of epithelial or mesenchymal origin. The treatment of orbital malignancies is an essential interdisciplinary field of
medicine that integrates ENT medicine, facial surgery, plastic surgery, neurosurgery, oncology and radiology.
The main symptom of malignant orbital masses is the exophthalmos. A symptom that can help to differentiate a benign from a malignant orbital mass can be the pain. The main diagnostic tool
is the MRI including new sequences like DWI and DCE.
After presenting symptoms and diagnostic strategies of malignant orbital masses, this article starts with the description of malignant epithelial neoplasms of the lacrimal gland.
Furthermore, it describes new insights in orbital lymphomas, followed by the discussion of semimalignant orbital masses. Last but not least the text deals with malignant neoplasms of the
skin that can grow secondarily in the orbit. Finally, the manuscript discusses orbital metastases.