Hydrogen, as an antioxidant, may have the potential to mitigate fatigue and
improve selected oxidative stress markers induced by strenuous exercise. This
study focused on a previously unexplored approach involving pre-exercise
inhalation of hydrogen-rich gas (HRG). Twenty-four healthy adult men first
completed pre-laboratories to determine maximum cycling power (Wmax)
and maximum cycling time (Tmax). Then they were subjected to ride
Tmax at 80% Wmax and 60–70 rpm on cycle ergometers
after inhaled HRG or placebo gas (air) for 60-minute in a double-blind,
counterbalanced, randomized, and crossover design. The cycling frequency in the
fatigue modeling process and the rating of perceived exertion (RPE) at the
beginning and end of the ride were recorded. Before gas inhalation and after
fatigue modeling, visual analog scale (VAS) for fatigue and counter-movement
jump (CMJ) were tested, and blood samples were obtained. The results showed that
compared to a placebo, HRG inhalation induced significant improvement in VAS,
RPE, the cycling frequency during the last 30 seconds in the fatigue modeling
process, the ability to inhibit hydroxyl radicals, and serum lactate after
exercise (p<0.028), but not in CMJ height and glutathione peroxidase
activity. The cycling frequency during the last 30 seconds of all other segments
in the fatigue modeling process was within the range of 60–70 rpm. In
conclusion, HRG inhalation prior to acute exercise can alleviate
exercise-induced fatigue, maintain functional performance, and improve hydroxyl
radical and lactate levels.
oxidative stress - anti-fatigue - hydroxyl radicals - lactate - recovery