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DOI: 10.1055/a-2533-4832
Learning Objective Mapping of the National Competence-Based Learning Objectives Catalogue of Medicine in Orthopaedic Surgery – an Option to implement an Existing Structure
Artikel in mehreren Sprachen: English | deutsch
With the new licensing regulations and the National Competence-Based Learning Objectives Catalogue for Medicine (NKLM), the learning objectives and certificates of achievement are no longer assigned to specific subjects. In addition to the opportunity for the subject of orthopaedics and trauma surgery to present itself more prominently and at an earlier stage, there is also a need to identify the relevant subject-related learning objectives in order to integrate them into the curricula and prepare for internal faculty discussions on teaching assignments. At present, it remains unclear whether the new licensing regulations will be accompanied by the initially planned complete restructuring in the form of the so-called Z-curriculum, but the new learning objectives of the NKLM will become part of the training for future doctors.
Methods and Results
The learning objectives contained in the current draft of the NKLM from December 2023 were screened and evaluated by two teaching coordinators using the dual control principle. The learning objectives that should and can be meaningfully taught by the O & U were selected from the 2646 formulated contents. A total of 276 (10.32%) learning objectives were detected for the teaching of O & U and 2399 (89.68%) were excluded. The selected learning objectives were then assigned to the existing courses and the institute’s own teaching was optimised accordingly in preparation.
In this study, the learning objectives of the NKLM were compared with the current learning objectives of O & U at Leipzig University and the learning objectives of the NKLM were integrated into the curricula. Of the NKLM, 10.32% of the learning objectives relate to the subject O & U, which underlines its importance. In addition, the approach presented here shows that the learning objectives of the NKLM can be quickly implemented in an existing curriculum.
Eingereicht: 24. September 2024
Angenommen nach Revision: 03. Februar 2025
Artikel online veröffentlicht:
11. März 2025
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