Facial Plast Surg 1998; 14(1): 59-66
DOI: 10.1055/s-0028-1085302
© 1998 by Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc.

Frontal Sinus Fractures

Becky McGraw-Wall
  • Department of Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery, University of Texas Houston Medical School, Houston Texas
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Publication History

Publication Date:
26 August 2008 (online)

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Frontal sinus fractures can have serious consequences due to the proximity of the sinus to the intracranial cavity, and the potential for nasofrontal duct obstruction with its long-term sequelae. Management of these fractures varies dependent on several factors. These include the degree of displacement of the fractures; involvement of the anterior table, the posterior table, and/or the nasofrontal duct; and the presence of cerebrospinal fluid leakage. This paper gives an overview of fracture treatment options, and offers a simple algorithm for management based on the fracture severity and involvement of the different aspects of the sinus.