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DOI: 10.1055/s-0028-1086164
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart ˙ New York
Erster klinischer Einsatz eines neuartigen Mikromanipulators für die Mittelohrchirurgie
First clinical use of a new micromanipulator for the middle ear surgeryPublikationsverlauf
29. August 2008 (online)
Some of the current challenges in the middle ear surgery are caused by limited fields of view and limited access to the region of interest. Also the small size of middle ear structures and difficult ergonomic conditions can make middle ear surgery very challenging. A small micromanipulator "MircoMan" was developed to resolve these limitations by enabling telemanipulation of standard ENT instruments. The system can be used under difficult surgery conditions. It can be integrated into standard surgical procedures and is characterized by low system complexity. The first clinical was for a tympanoplasty type III.
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Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Maier
Lehrstuhl für Mikrotechnik und Medizingerätetechnik (MiMed)
TU München
Boltzmannstrasse 15
85748 Garching