Planta Med 2008; 74(14): 1767
DOI: 10.1055/s-0028-1088372
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Double-Blind Clinical Trial for Evaluating the Effectiveness and Tolerability of Ageratina pichinchensis Extract on Patients with Mild to Moderate Onychomycosis. A Comparative Study with Ciclopirox

Planta Med 2008 October; 74 (12): 1430 – 1435Ofelia Romero-Cerecero, Alejandro Zamilpa, Jesús Enrique Jiménez-Ferrer, Gabriela Rojas-Bribiesca, Rubén Román-Ramos, Jaime Tortoriello
Further Information

Publication History

Publication Date:
17 November 2008 (online)