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DOI: 10.1055/s-0028-1091731
© 1973 by Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc.
Involvement of Sural Nerve in Neuronal Ceroid-Lipofuscinoses: Report of Two Cases
18. November 2008 (online)
Findings in sural nerve biopsies in two patients with neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis are described. In Schwann-cells and in smooth muscle cells of vessels curvilinear- and fingerprintmaterial were demonstrated. The report discusses the significance of these findings. The clinical findings were in agreement with a diagnosis of late infantile and juvenile type respectively. Ultrastructurally there were signs of transitions between the two types of inclusion. The place of sural nerve biopsy in the range of diagnostic procedures in progressive neurological diseases in discussed.
In einem Fall von spät-infantiler amaurotischer Idiotie und einem von juveniler amaurotischer Idiotie wurde elektronenoptisch im Biopt des Nervus suralis, Beteiligung verschiedener Zelltypen in der Speicherung von dem, für beide Krankheitstypen möglich spezifischen Speichermaterial, nämlich: in erstgenannter Krankheit „Curvilinear Bodies” und in der zweitgenannten „Fingerprintmaterial” nachgewiesen.
Die diagnostischen Möglichkeiten, gegeben durch einen Nervenbiopt, in diesen und anderen progressiven neurologischen Krankheiten werden erörtert.
Batten's disease - ceroid-lipofuscinoses - curvilinear bodies - fingerprintmaterial - sural nerve biopsy