Horm Metab Res 1977; 9(6): 495-498
DOI: 10.1055/s-0028-1093508

© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

The Effects of TRH on Prolactin, Plasma Renin Activity, Water and Electrolyte Excretion in Normal Males[*]

S.  Epstein , R.  van Zyl-Smit , D.  le Roith , A.  Vinik , B.  Pimstone
  • Renal Metabolic Unit, MRC Endocrine Research Unit and Isotope Laboratory, Department of Medicine, Groote Schuur Hospital and University of Cape Town Medical School, Observatory, Cape, South Africa
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23. Dezember 2008 (online)


The effect of TRH induced secretion of TSH and prolactin (hPrl) on plasma renin activity (PRA), water and electrolyte excretion, was studied in 7 normal males before and after an intravenous injection of 2 ml normal saline or 200 µg TRH. Plasma hPrl and TSH rose significantly (p <0.01) in all 7 subjects after TRH but not after saline injection. No significant differences in the hourly excretion of sodium, potassium and free water clearance were noted before and after either saline or TRH injection. Mean PRA values of the 7 subjects were similar after either the 2 ml saline or TRH injection. Our results indicate that despite a correlation between basal hPrl and sodium excretion as well as free water clearance, acute TRH induced elevation of hPrl is not associated with changes of urinary sodium and potassium excretion, free water clearance and PRA in normal males. These findings provide some evidence against a direct osmoregulatory role of hPrl in man.

1 Supported by the South African Medical Research Council and the South African Atomic Energy Board. Some of the work described was presented in a paper at the V International Society of Endocrinology Congress, Hamburg, July 1976.

1 Supported by the South African Medical Research Council and the South African Atomic Energy Board. Some of the work described was presented in a paper at the V International Society of Endocrinology Congress, Hamburg, July 1976.