Horm Metab Res 1974; 6(6): 506-509
DOI: 10.1055/s-0028-1093798

© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Monthly Variations of Serum Levels of Thyrotropin, Growth Hormone and Cortisol in Man

J.  Golstein , E.  Van Cauter , R.  Leclercq [*] , G.  Copinschi , L.  Vanhaelst
  • Faculty of Medicine, Universities of Brussels, Brussels, Belgium
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07. Januar 2009 (online)


Serum thyrotropin (TSH), growth hormone (HGH) and cortisol values were measured twice a day during 30 consecutive days in 3 normal subjects in order to study the monthly variations of these hormonal levels. A circatrigintan periodic secretion rhythm seems to exist for TSH, whereas it is absent for HGH and Cortisol. The simultaneous occurrence of the highest values of HGH and cortisol at the same period of the month suggests the possible existence for both hormonal secretions of an external synchronizer.

1 Present address: Laboratory, I.M.C., Anderlecht, Belgium