Horm Metab Res 1974; 6(6): 454-456
DOI: 10.1055/s-0028-1093822

© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Persistent Adipose Tissue Insulin Responsiveness During Fasting of Weanling Rats with Hypothalamic Obesity[*]

J. K. Goldman , L. L. Bernardis
  • Buffalo Veterans Administration Hospital and the Departments of Medicine and Surgery, State University of New York at Buffalo, School of Medicine, Buffalo, New York, USA
Further Information

Publication History

Publication Date:
07 January 2009 (online)


Adipose tissue of fed and fasted weanling rats with or without hypothalamic obesity has been studied in vitro with regard to glucose metabolism and the response to added insulin. In rats with hypothalamic obesity fasting did not alter basal glucose utilization or the responsiveness of adipose tissue to added insulin. Adipose tissue of fasted control rats showed decreased basal glucose metabolism and less insulin responsiveness compared to tissue from fed control rats and fed or fasted rats with hypothalamic obesity. The results indicate that fasting does not produce insulin resistance in adipose tissue of rats with hypothalamic obesity. The absence of adipose tissue insulin resistance may contribute to the hypoglycemia produced by the fasting of rats with hypothalamic obesity.

1 This work was supported by V.A. funds (Project #3193-01) and by NIH Grant #GM 15768 from the National Institute of General Medical Science)

1 This work was supported by V.A. funds (Project #3193-01) and by NIH Grant #GM 15768 from the National Institute of General Medical Science)