Planta Med 1979; 35(3): 247-252
DOI: 10.1055/s-0028-1097212
Research Articles

© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York

Isolation and Identification of Ergoline Alkaloids from Seeds of Stictocardia campanulata (L.) Merrill

Taikwang M. Lee, Jew Ming Chao, Ara H. Der Marderosian
  • The Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science Dept. of Biological Sciences Philadelphia, USA.
Further Information

Publication History

Publication Date:
13 January 2009 (online)


The result of the isolation and identification of 12 ergoline alkaloids from seeds of Stictocardia campanulata (Conolvolaceae); viz.: lysergol, elymoclavine, ergometrine, penniclavine, isopenniclavine, ergometrinine, isolysergol, chanoclavine–I, ergine, chanoclavine–II, α–dihydrolysergol and isoergine by using column chromatography combined with two dimensional thin layer chromatography procedures are reported.

The spectrophotometric and spectrodensitometric assay of total and individual ergoline alkaloids are given.