Endoscopy 1972; 4(2): 105-108
DOI: 10.1055/s-0028-1098170
Reports on New Instruments and New Methods

© Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart

Our New “Pyeloureteroscope” for Observation of the Upper Urinary Tract

Ein neues „Pyeloureteroskop” zur Inspektion des oberen UrogenitaltraktsH. Takayasu, Y. Aso, T. Takagi, T. Go
  • Department of Urology and Surgical Center, Faculty of Medicine, The University of Tokyo, Hongo, Tokyo, Japan
Further Information

Publication History

Publication Date:
08 December 2008 (online)

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Our newly developed “pyeloureteroscope” is presented with some of the clinical results achieved by it. The great value of this fiberscope could be expected in clarifying physiology and pathology of the upper urinary tract. Clinically it would be of help in early diagnosis of malignancy, finding radiolucent stones and differential diagnosis of inflammatory lesions. Hopefully the fiberscope can be equipped with minor operating apparatuses in the future.

However, we are not yet completely satisfied with our present fiberscope. We have yet to improve it to such a stage that it will become the standard tool for use by urologists throughout the world.


Ein neues Pyeloureteroskop und erste klinische Erfahrungen werden vorgestellt. Als Indikation wird die Frühdiagnose maligner Nierenveränderungen, das Auffinden von nicht schattengebenden Konkrementen und die Differentialdiagnose entzündlicher Läsionen genannt. Weitere Verbesserungen wie die Einführung eines Spül- und Biopsiekanals werden in Aussicht gestellt.