Endoscopy 1970; 02(1): 18-22
DOI: 10.1055/s-0028-1098423
Originalbeiträge · Original Contribution

© Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart

Intérêt des confrontations endoradiocinematographiques dans le diagnostic et le traitement de la Bilharziose urinaire

M. Jaupitre, A. Jaupitre
  • Membre de la société française d'urologie et de la société internationale d'urologie président de la société médicale internationale d'endoscopie et de radiocinéma Affiliate of the royal society of medicine, London, Lauréat de la faculté de médecine de Paris I.H.C.P.
Further Information

Publication History

Publication Date:
08 December 2008 (online)


Urinary bilharziosis is a very widely distributed disease; 150 million people are affected. The diagnosis of bilharziosis is made on clinical facts and upon biological findings. But two examinations are fundamental: cystoscopy and x-ray.

The comparison between cystoscopy and x-ray findings is a very new method of investigation in bilharziosis.

This comparison can be made simultaneously, or successively in which case slides and films are useful.

This comparison is necessary to appreciate completely this disease before and even after medical or surgical treatment.

It should be done much more often, but it requires an endoscopist using endoscopic films and a radiologist using x-ray films.

These conditions are rarely joined, that is why it is done in only a few places.