Endoscopy 1970; 02(1): 42-46
DOI: 10.1055/s-0028-1098428
Originalbeiträge · Original Contribution

© Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart

Farbmetrische Untersuchungen amnioskopischer Beleuchtungsquellen

J. W. Dudenhausen
  • Städtische Frauenklinik und Hebammenlehranstalt Berlin-Neukölln (Ärztl. Direktor: Dr. E. Jung) Arbeitsgruppe für Perinatale Klinik und Forschung (Leiter: Prof. D. E. Saling)
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08. Dezember 2008 (online)


The greenish tint cast of glass fiber illumination systems simulated a greenish coloration of the amniotic fluid during initial experiments. Therefore, this type of illumination was not considered suitable for amnioscopy. Using a procedure from colourmetrics, various glass fiber illumination systems were compared. The “Endolux” Light Projector 10301 and the “Cold Light Fontäne Universal” are glass fiber illumination systems which – expecially in the high switch steps – adequately meet the demands of amnioscopy.