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DOI: 10.1055/s-0028-1099642
15. Januar 2009 (online)

Four indole–3–alkylamines, viz., N,N–dimethyltryptamine, its Nb–oxide, bufo–tenine, and 5–methoxy–N,N–dimethyltryptamine along with two uncharacterized 5–oxy–indole–3–alkylamines and a β–carboline were isolated from the various parts, except the trichomes of pods, of Mucuna pruriens DC. The trichomes of pods afforded only serotonin. Besides these, choline was found in all parts of the plant.
The above determinations and the existing evidences in the literature would indicate that serotonin is not the common substance in the metabolism of tryptophan enroute to the 5–oxy–indole–3–alkyl amines elaborated by Mucuna pruriens. On the other hand, ample chemical and biochemical analogies are drawn to support a „hypothesis for the metabolism of tryptophan where N,N–dimethyltryptamine was envisaged as this common substance.
A detailed pharmacological screening of the total extracts and the individual alkaloids was done on cardio–vascular system, central nervous system, and smooth and skeletal muscles. The results indicated that the curative properties ascribed to the plant extracts are owing, at least in part, to the basic constituents isolated.
Aus verschiedenen Organen von Mucuna pruriens – mit Ausnahme der Trichome der Hülsen – wurden vier Indol–3–alkylamine, nämlich N,N–Dimethyltryptamin, dessen Nb–Oxid, Bufotenin und 5–Methoxy–N,N–dimethyltryptamin, ferner zwei uncharakterisierte 5–Oxy–indol–3–alkylamine und ein β–Carbolin isoliert. Die Trichome der Hülsen enthielten ausschließlich Serotonin. Darüber hinaus wurde in allen Teilen der Pflanze Cholin gefunden. Ein eingehendes pharmakologisches Screening des Totalextraktes und der einzelnen Alkaloide wurde durchgeführt.