Endoscopy 2008; 40(12): 1056
DOI: 10.1055/s-0028-1103479

© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

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08. Dezember 2008 (online)

ESGE Governing Board Elections

Changing of the guards Guido Costamagna, ESGE President.

On October 21, 2008, ESGE elections were held at the ESGE General Assembly at the UEGW in Vienna.

The ESGE Governing Board for the term 2008 - 2010 is as follows:

President: G. Costamagna, MD, Italy
President Elect: H. Neuhaus, MD, Germany
Past President: J. Deviére, MD, Belgium
Vice President: I. Mostafa, MD, Egypt
Secretary General: P. Fockens, MD, The Netherlands
Treasurer: L. Aabakken, MD, Norway
Education Committee
Chair: I. Rãcz, MD, Hungary
M. Dinis-Ribeiro, MD, Portugal
C. Gheorghe, MD, Romania
M. Muñoz-Navas, MD, Spain
T. Ponchon, MD, France
B. Rembacken, MD, UK
F. Schreiber, MD, Austria


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