Homœopathic Links 2009; 22(2): 99-101
DOI: 10.1055/s-0029-1185598

© Sonntag Verlag in MVS Medizinverlage Stuttgart GmbH & Co. KG

Homeopathic Bird Taxonomy and Provings

Jörg Wichmann, Iain Marrs
Further Information

Publication History

Publication Date:
18 June 2009 (online)


The authors offer a taxonomical arrangement of those remedies that have been homeopathically prepared from Bird-related substances, all within the Class of Aves, Birds. Remedies are nested inside families which are themselves placed within orders. Some of these preparations have been given provings; authors of any such provings are cited alongside the bird named.

List of literature proving sources

  • 1 The provings of the authors Shore, Bedayn, Baker & Jackson, Schulz, Rowe, Norland, Mohr, Waddenzee Group, Baker, and some of Sherr can be found in the comprehensive book on birds: Shore, Jonathan: Birds. Homeopathic Remedies from the Avian Realm, Homeopathy West, Berkeley, 2004. ISBN 0-975-4763-0-0
  • 2 In Reference Works Pro (Kent Homeopathic Associates, 2003 – for example), you can find provings by Elisabeth Schulz (Condor, Falcon, Holy Ibis, Redtail Hawk, Ring-dove), the Prometheus proving of Calcarea ovi testae, Fahnestock's Lecithin, along with Shore's provings of Macaw and of Red-tailed Hawk, Bedayn's proving of Corvus corax, Sherr's Haliaeetus leucocephalus, Stirling's Cygnus bewickii, Rimmler's Condor, Rowe's Turkey Vulture and Norland's Falco peregrinus.
  • 3 In Encyclopedia Homeopathica (Archibel, 2007 – for example) you can find, in addition, Cynthia Shepard's proving of Calytpe anna, Rowe's proving of Roadrunner, Norland and Fraser's proving of Passer domesticus, Shukla's provings of Corvus splendens and of Pavo cristatus, and L. Stone's proving of Tyto alba, in addition to the provings by Bedayn, Norland, Rimmler, Rowe, Schulz, and Sherr, as listed above for ReferenceWorks.

Other works by individual authors

  • 4 Begin M. Quetzal.  Homoeopathic Links. 2009;  22 66-72
  • 5 Brown D, Guenther R. Vultur gryphus.  Homoeopathic Links. 2009;  22 19-25
  • 6 Engel P B. 2 Nidus edulis.  BHJ. 1975;  64 224-230
  • 7 Hempel C J. Guano australis. Mure B Materia Medica or Provings of the Principal Animal and Vegetable Poisons of the Brazilian Empire. New York; William Radde 1855
  • 8 Fahnestock J C. Lecithin: a proving.  The Medical Advance. 1908;  66 466
  • 9 Guenther R. Chicken [Gallus domesticus].  Homoeopathic Links. 2009;  22 23-25
  • 10 Huenecke J-A. Gavia immer (Queen Charlotte's Loon).  , Minneapolis: Northwestern Academy of Homeopathy; 2008, reprinted in:
    American Homeopath. 2007;  13 16-19
  • 11 Muller K-J. Serinus canaria – Kanarienvogel. Zweibrücken; K.-J. Müller 1997
  • 12 Rimmler U, Schulz E. Vultur gryphus.  Homöopathische Einblicke. 1999;  40 43-48
  • 13 Rowe T. Cathartes aura – a proving of Turkey Vulture. Rowe T The Desert World. Phoenix, AZ; Desert Institute Publishing 2006
  • 14 Rowe T. Geoccoccyx californianus – a proving of Roadrunner. Rowe T The Desert World. Phoenix, AZ; Desert Institute Publishing 2006
  • 15 Shah P. Drug proving of Columba livia.  Homoeopathic Links. 2008;  21 152-154
  • 16 Shepard C A. Calypte anna – a homeopathic proving of Anna's Hummingbird.  American Homeopath. 2004;  10 76-86
  • 17 Sherr J, Stirling P. Cygnus cygnus and bewickii. Zweibrücken; K.-J. Müller 2004
  • 18 Sherr J, Stirling P. Cygnus cygnus and bewickii. Sherr C Dynamic Provings Vol. 2. Malvern, Worcester, England; Dynamis Books 2001
  • 19 Sherr J. Haliaeetus leucocephalus. Zweibrücken; K.-J. Müller 1999
  • 20 Sherr, Jeremy. Haliaeetus leucocephalus. Sherr C Dynamic Provings Vol. 1. Malvern, Worcester, England; Dynamis Books 1997
  • 21 Sommerman E. Ova branta canadensis.  Minneapolis: Northwestern Academy of Homeopathy, reprinted in: American Homeopath. 2007;  13 128-135
  • 22 Shukla C, Kittler M. Anas platyrhynchos indica ex ovo. Zweibrücken; K.-J. Müller 2001
  • 23 Shukla C. Corvus splendens and Corvus cornex. Shukla C The Quintessence of Homeopathic Remedies – Provings & Cases of Hawthorn, Mango, Oxygen, Sea Horse, Python & Crow. Haren, The Netherlands; Homeolinks Publishers 2008
  • 24 Swan S. Gallus gallus/Ovi gallinae pellicula. IHA Transactions 1881–1883: 248-254

Jörg Wichmann

Eigen 81

51503 Rösrath


Email: jw@provings.info

Iain Marrs

2508 Wall Street

Vancouver, BC, V5K 1A5


Email: imarrs@gmail.com