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DOI: 10.1055/s-0029-1202857
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York
Bronchial Carcinoid Tumours in Children: Surgical Treatment and Outcome in a Single Institution
received November 5, 2008
accepted after revision January 6, 2009
09. Juni 2009 (online)
Background: Carcinoid tumors are low grade, malignant, neuroendocrine neoplasms. Although rare, they represent the most common primary bronchial tumours in childhood. The aim of our study was to analyse the long-term survival and surgical treatment outcome in our young patients operated for carcinoid tumour.
Patients: We retrospectively reviewed the data of 15 paediatric patients who underwent surgery at our Institution. There were 11 male and 4 female patients with a median age of 15 years (range 8–18). All carcinoids were centrally located and symptomatic.
Results: We performed 10 (66.7%) parenchyma-saving procedures (5 sleeve lobectomies, 3 sleeve resections of the main bronchus, 2 bronchoplasties associated with lung resection) and 5 (33.3%) standard resections (3 bilobectomies and 2 lobectomies). There were 13 typical and 2 atypical carcinoids. Three patients (20%) had nodal metastases. There were no surgery-related deaths or complications. At long-term follow-up all patients presented with regular growth and all but one are alive. Two (13.3%) patients needed re-operation.
Conclusions: Results suggest that, in experienced and skilled hands, conservative procedures are the treatment of choice for the management of paediatric bronchial carcinoids. Relapses can be successfully treated with re-operation and they can occur even after many years, underlining the importance of long-term follow-up.
Key words
childhood bronchial carcinoid tumor - sleeve resection - bronchoplasty
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Dr. G. RizzardiMD
Thoracic Surgery
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