Am J Perinatol 2009; 26(8): 559-564
DOI: 10.1055/s-0029-1220789
© Thieme Medical Publishers

Placental Laser Surgery for Severe Previable Feto-fetal Transfusion Syndrome in Triplet Gestation

Julian E. De Lia1 , Dennis Worthington1 , Margaret H. Carr1 , Menachem H. Graupe1 , Paula J. Melone2
  • 1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare–St. Joseph and Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
  • 2Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Rockford Memorial Hospital and University of Illinois at Rockford, Rockford, Illinois
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23. April 2009 (online)


Information on feto-fetal transfusion syndrome (FFTS) in higher-order multifetal gestation is limited. We report outcomes of 10 triplet pregnancies treated by fetoscopic laser occlusion of the chorioangiopagous vessels (FLOC). The study period was August 1992 to August 2008. Inclusion criteria were gestational age ≤25 weeks and ultrasound confirmation of monochorionicity in at least one twin set and FFTS. Treatment included FLOC, exit amnioreduction, and cerclage when indicated. Hospital records, placental pathology, neonatal course, and long term follow-up of the mother and infants were reviewed. There were eight triamnionic dichorionic and two triamnionic monochorionic triplets. Mean maternal age was 29.8 years, and five conceived following in vitro fertilization. FFTS stage at treatment was ≥II in all cases, at a mean gestational age 20.9 ± 2.2 weeks. Two patients required immediate rescue cerclage, and all 10 had hypoproteinemia and anemia. Mean age at delivery was 31.2 ± 3.4 weeks, with a mean birth weight 1568.4 ± 498 g for the live-born fetuses. Twenty-three (77%) fetuses survived, with at least one fetus surviving in 9 (90%) cases. Cerebral ultrasound imaging and neurological examination were normal in all neonates, and clinical follow-up has remained normal at 67.5 ± 56 months for the group. FLOC is feasible in dichorionic and monochorionic triplet pregnancy complicated by FFTS. Outcomes are comparable to our experience with twins, namely improved perinatal survival and neonatal morbidity when compared with alternative treatments.


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Julian E De LiaM.D. 

WFHC–St. Joseph

5000 West Chambers Street, Milwaukee, WI 53210
