Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes 2010; 118(4): 215-219
DOI: 10.1055/s-0029-1241823

© J. A. Barth Verlag in Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Severe Hypoglycaemia Leading to Hospital Admission in Type 2 Diabetic Patients Aged 80 Years or Older

D. Greco1 , M. Pisciotta1 , F. Gambina1 , F. Maggio1
  • 1Division of Diabetology. “S. Biagio” Hospital – Marsala (TP), Italy
Further Information

Publication History

received 20.04.2009 first decision 04.10.2009

accepted 16.10.2009

Publication Date:
12 January 2010 (online)


Aim: Evidence is mounting that hypoglycaemia among elderly diabetic patients is a very real and costly concern. Objective of this study was to determine the incidence and risk factors for developing severe hypoglycaemia leading to hospital admission, among type 2 diabetic subjects aged 80 years or older.

Methods: Hypoglycaemia was defined as a symptomatic event requiring treatment with i. v. glucose and confirmed by a blood glucose determination <50 mg/dl.

Results: During a eight-year period severe hypoglycaemia was identified in 99 subjects. These patients were found to have a reduced cognitive ability, a heavy burden of comorbid disease and a HbA1c values of 5.9%. Of the hypoglycaemic episodes, 76 occurred in patients taking glibenclamide. Diabetes therapy was prescribed by general practitioners in 85 of them. Only 26 patients performed regular home blood glucose self-monitoring.

Conclusion: Severe hypoglycaemia is a serious and not uncommon metabolic emergency among patients with type 2 diabetes aged 80 years or older; it is more frequent in patients with considerable comorbidity undergoing aggressive diabetes management and in users of a long-acting sulphonylurea. In elderly subject, each patient's risk for hypoglycaemia should be considered and therapy should be individualized accordingly; in our opinion, a great number of episodes may be avoided by teaching the principles of blood glucose monitoring and involving general practitioners in outpatients management of diabetes mellitus.


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Dr. D. Greco

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Email: drgreco@alice.it