From the aerial parts of Decatropis bicolor, heraclenin (1), seselin (2), psoralen (3), imperatorin (4), skimmianine (5), and heraclenol (6), were isolated. This is the first time that coumarin-like compounds are isolated from Decatropis genus. The anti-inflammatory properties of compounds 1–6 were examined against the ear edema in mice produced by TPA. The results suggest that the anti-inflammatory activity of each compound depends of its individual substitution on the aromatic ring rather than the coumarin skeleton itself.
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Dr. Mariano Martínez-Vázquez
Instituto de Química
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Circuito Exterior, Ciudad Universitaria
Coyoacán 04510
México, D. F.
Email: marvaz@servidor.unam.mx
Fax: +525-6-16-22-03