J Reconstr Microsurg 2010; 26(3): 189-191
DOI: 10.1055/s-0029-1243300
© Thieme Medical Publishers

Aberrant Perfusion of the Serratus Anterior Muscle Flap: Report of Two Cases and a Review of the Literature

Burak Ersoy1 , Ahmet Sönmez1 , Mehmet Bayramiçli1
  • 1Marmara University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Tophanelioğlu Caddesi, 13/15, Altunizade, Uskudar, 34660, Istanbul, Turkey
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10. Dezember 2009 (online)


Free serratus anterior muscle flap, classified as Mathes-Nahai type III, is a versatile and frequently preferred choice for soft tissue coverage of small to moderate-sized defects owing to its reliable circulation pattern; however, some anatomic variations in the flap vascularity can result in partial flap loss. Here we present two cases with free serratus anterior muscle transfer where the distalmost portion of the flap was not perfused by the thoracodorsal pedicle. The most likely explanation seems to be the large flap size and the lack of distal interconnections between lateral thoracic artery and thoracodorsal artery branches. Our clinical experience suggests that anatomic variations of serratus anterior muscle circulation might end up with distal perfusion loss if a large flap is to be harvested.


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Burak ErsoyM.D. 

Marmara Üniversitesi Hastanesi, Plastik ve Rekonstrüktif Cerrahi A.D., Tophanelioğlu Cad. No: 13-15 81190

Altunizade, İstanbul, Türkiye

eMail: bubu77@gmail.com