Endoscopy 2010; 42(4): 334-337
DOI: 10.1055/s-0029-1243936
Case report/series

© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Clinical significance of lymphoid hyperplasia of the lower gastrointestinal tract

E.  Krauss1 , P.  Konturek1 , J.  Maiss2 , J.  Kressel1 , U.  Schulz3 , E.  G.  Hahn1 , M.  F.  Neurath1 , M.  Raithel1
  • 1Department of Medicine I, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany
  • 2Gastroenterology Clinic Dr.Kerzel/PD Dr. Maiss, Forchheim, Germany
  • 3Medistat medical statistic, Kronshagen, Germany
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submitted 21 July 2009

accepted after revision 30 October 2009

22. Februar 2010 (online)

Lymphoid hyperplasia of the intestine has been associated with multiple diseases and symptoms. This study was undertaken to analyze the number and topographical distribution of the lymphoid follicles. A total of 302 adult consecutive patients were enrolled when they underwent elective colonoscopy. Standardized pictures from terminal ileum and colon were taken using video colonoscopes. In each picture, the number, size, and mucosal elevation of lymphoid follicles were analyzed in relation to histological and immunological findings and medical history. Lymphoid hyperplasia was found to be most extensive in the terminal ileum and cecum. Patients with untreated gastrointestinally mediated allergy (GMA) showed the highest number of lymphoid follicles per visible field in the terminal ileum (P < 0.001) and cecum (P = 0.003) vs. the control group. Patients with infectious colitis also showed a high number of lymphoid follicles per endoscopic visible field in the transverse colon (P = 0.020). The presence of lymphoid hyperplasia is a frequent finding during colonoscopy. It may indicate an enhanced immunological mucosal response to antigenic stimulation such as GMA or infection.


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E. KraussMD 

Department of Medicine I
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg

Ulmenweg 18
91054 Erlangen

Fax: +49-9131-8535182

eMail: ekaterina.krauss@uk-erlangen.de