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J Reconstr Microsurg 2010; 26(4): 277-284
DOI: 10.1055/s-0030-1248237
© Thieme Medical Publishers
DOI: 10.1055/s-0030-1248237
A Review of Therapeutic Nerve Decompression for Neuropathy in Hansen's Disease with Research Suggestions
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Publication History
Publication Date:
08 February 2010 (online)

Nerve decompression surgery for leprosy neuritis has a long history and large literature. New understanding of the high frequency of spontaneous recovery from nerve function impairment requires re-evaluation of the value of decompression in acute nerve dysfunction with strong evidence-based protocols. Several reports and theoretical considerations suggest research avenues that might offer hope for prevention of long-term complications and relief of impairment and disabilities.
Leprosy - surgery - nerve decompression - neuritis - impairment
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D. Scott NickersonM.D.
Northeast Wyoming Wound Clinic, Sheridan Memorial Hospital
PO Box 278, Big Horn, WY 82833