Planta Med 2010; 76(15): 1642-1646
DOI: 10.1055/s-0030-1249960
Original Papers
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Antihyperlipidemic Effect of Protodioscin, an Active Ingredient Isolated from the Rhizomes of Dioscorea nipponica

Tiejie Wang1 , 4 , Roy C. Y. Choi4 , Jun Li1 , Jun Li4 , Cathy W. C. Bi4 , Linquan Zang3 , Zhongbo Liu2 , Tina T. X. Dong4 , Kaishun Bi2 , Karl W. K. Tsim4
  • 1Shenzhen Institute for Drug Control, Shenzhen, PR China
  • 2School of Pharmacy, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, Shenyang, PR China
  • 3Department of Pharmacology, Pharmacy School of Guangdong Pharmaceutical University, Guangzhou, PR China
  • 4Department of Biology and Center for Chinese Medicine, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, PR China
Weitere Informationen


received Dec. 17, 2009 revised March 26, 2010

accepted April 16, 2010

27. Mai 2010 (online)


Developing drugs against metabolic-related disorders, including obesity and hyperlipidemia, is of importance for human health. Here, a bioactive phytochemical, protodioscin, isolated from the rhizomes of Dioscorea nipponica (Rhizoma Dioscoreae Nipponicae), was identified for its anti-hyperlipidemic effect. In hyperlipidemic rats, the post-administration of protodioscin significantly reduced the time of blood coagulation. In addition, the blood levels of triglyceride, cholesterol, low-density and high-density lipoproteins were also changed accordingly. Taken together, this was the first report of an antihyperlipidemic effect of protodioscin. Its great availability in various vegetables and medicinal plants will be useful in developing health food supplement(s) and/or drug(s) against hyperlipidemia.


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Prof. Dr. Karl W. K. Tsim

Department of Biology
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Clear Water Bay Road, Kowloon Hong Kong

NIL Hong Kong


Telefon: + 85 2 23 58 73 32

Fax: + 85 2 23 58 15 59
