pferde spiegel 2010; 13(4): 146-152
DOI: 10.1055/s-0030-1250431

© Enke Verlag in MVS Medizinverlage Stuttgart GmbH & Co. KG

Diagnostische Vorgehensweise bei Pferden mit Dysphagie

How to work up a horse with dysphagiaBianca Schwarz
Weitere Informationen


15. Dezember 2010 (online)


The term dysphagia, defined as the inability to swallow, is commonly used to describe problems with eating. Eating and especially swallowing is a complex process and morphological as well as functional problems can lead to disturbances. Prehension, mastication, swallowing itself and oesophageal transport can be affected. This article intends not to summarise differential diagnoses but to describe how to work up a case presented with dysphagia.


  • 1 Abutarbush S M. Dysphagia in horses.  Large Animal Veterinary Rounds. 2004;  4(3)
  • 2 Beard A L. Dysphagia.. Equine Internal Medicine. 3. Aufl.. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders; 2010: 104-106
  • 3 Fjeldborg J, Baptiste K E. Diagnosis and treatment of dysphagia. Guarujá, SP, Brazil; Proceedings 11th WEVA congress 2009
  • 4 Greet T. Dysphagia in the horse.  In Pract. 1989;  11 256-262
  • 5 Lane J G. Differential diagnosis and evaluation of dysphagia.. Manual of equine gastroenterology.. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders; 2002: 63-67
  • 6 Mayhew J. Dysphagia.. Large Animal Neurology. 2. Aufl.. Ames, Iowa: Wiley-Blackwell; 2009: 115-118
  • 7 Rush B, Beard L, Furr M. Differential diagnosis and management of cranial nerve abnormalities.. Equine Neurology.. Ames, Iowa: Blackwell Publishing; 2008: 101-118

Dr. Bianca Schwarz

Pferdeklinik, Abteilung Interne Medizin
Veterinärmedizinische Universität Wien

Veterinärplatz 1

1210 Wien

