Homœopathic Links, Inhaltsverzeichnis Homœopathic Links 2010; 23(4): 244-246DOI: 10.1055/s-0030-1250445 MATERIA MEDICA AND CASES © Sonntag Verlag in MVS Medizinverlage Stuttgart GmbH & Co. KG Bombyx processionaria Proving and CasePatricia Le Roux France Artikel empfehlen Abstract Artikel einzeln kaufen Summary This article will relate the principal theme of the proving, and a case illustrating self-castration, a main theme of the remedy Bombyx processionaria. Key words Bombyx processionaria - Processional caterpillar - Pine processionary - Thaumetopoea pityocampa - Lepidoptera - Insecta Volltext Referenzen References 1 Shukla C. The tailed jay: a case and a proving of Graphium agamemnon. Homoeopathic Links. 2001; 14 25-28 2 CHUMS (Collègues Homéopathes Unicistes Marseille) .Working group on classical homeopathy in Marseille. Workshop on butterflies. November 2001. 3 Demolin G. La processionnaire du pin, Thaumetopoea pityocampa Schiff., au Mont Ventoux. Études vauclusiennes; Bul. sem. du dépt. d'histoire et de géo. de la faculté d'Avignon. 1987; 3 157-173 4 Earth's Birthday Project .Rainforest exploration. http://www.earthsbirthday.com/explore/teachers/foodchains.htm [accessed October 14, 2010] 5 Grandgeorge D. Ecole Hahnmanienne de Fréjus, proving Bombyx processionaria. Juan les Pins; Edicomm 1990 6 Herrick N. Animal Mind, Human Voices. Proving of Eight New Animal Remedies. Nevada city; Hahnemann Clinic Publishing 1998 7 Jansen J P. A guide to the muse, a case of Apeira syringeria. Homoeopathic Links. 2001; 14 29 8 Information from the web site. http://www.wikipedia.org the free encyclopedia have been very useful 9 Lequet A. Les insectes. http://www.insectes-net.fr [accessed October 14, 2010] Dr. Patricia Le Roux, MD, Paediatrician 16 Bd Cieussa 13007 Marseilles France eMail: pediatre.leroux@wanadoo.fr