Int J Sports Med 2010; 31(10): 737-741
DOI: 10.1055/s-0030-1255115
Training & Testing

© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Body Composition and Power Changes in Elite Judo Athletes

A. M. Silva1 , D. A. Fields2 , S. B. Heymsfield3 , L. B. Sardinha1
  • 1Faculty of Human Kinetics, Technical University of Lisbon, Exercise and Health Laboratory, Cruz-Quebrada, Portugal
  • 2Children's Medical Research Institute's Diabetes and Metabolic Research Center, University of Oklahoma, Department of Pediatrics, Oklahoma City,United States
  • 3Merck & Co., Scientific Affairs, Obesity, Rahway, United States
Further Information

Publication History

accepted after revision May 15, 2010

Publication Date:
19 July 2010 (online)


The purpose of this study was to analyse the association between body composition changes, from a weight stable period to prior competition, on upper-body power in judo athletes. 27 top-level male athletes were evaluated at baseline (weight stable period) and 1–3 days before competition, with a time difference of approximately 1 month. Total body and extracellular water were estimated by dilution techniques (deuterium and bromide, respectively) and intracellular water was calculated as the difference. Body composition was assessed by DXA. A power-load spectrum was used to assess upper-body power output in a bench-press position. Comparison of means, bivariate, and partial correlations were used. Results indicate that though no significant mean changes were found in body composition and upper-body power, individual variability was large. Among all body composition changes, only total-body water (r=0.672; p<0.001) and intracellular water (r=0.596; p=0.001) were related to upper-body power variation. These associations remained significant after controlling for weight and arm lean-soft tissue changes (r=0.594, p=0.002 for total-body water; r=0.524, p=0.007 for intracellular water). These findings highlight the need for tracking total-body water, specifically the intracellular compartment in elite judo athletes in order to avoid reductions in upper-body power when a target body weight is desired prior to competition.


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Analiza MónicaSilva 

Faculty of Human Kinetics

Technical University of Lisbon

Exercise and Health Laboratory

Estrada da Costa

1495-688 Cruz-Quebrada


Phone: +35/121/414 9160

Fax: +35/121/414 9193
