Endoscopy 2011; 43(11): 1022-1023
DOI: 10.1055/s-0030-1257023

© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

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04. November 2011 (online)

Recent and upcoming events

Quality in Endoscopy: ERCP Symposium – a successful start!

ESGE's newly introduced series of monothematic multidisciplinary symposia was successfully launched recently in Munich with the Quality in Endoscopy: ERCP symposium.

Paul Fockens, chairman of the Quality in Endoscopy: ERCP symposium and ESGE President Elect.

Attendees from 46 countries enjoyed lectures from both senior experts and from the promising upcoming younger generation. Additionally, debates, case presentations and discussion sessions with voting made for a very lively, interactive event.

Horst Neuhaus, ESGE President and speaker, in discussion with Paul Fockens.

In a survey conducted directly after the symposium 98 % agreed that the program was well designed, and that the topics in sensible relation. More than 90 % confirmed that they plan to take part in future meetings.

Paul Fockens, ESGE Chairman, stated “We are extremely happy with the meeting outcome. The components, together with the inspiring atmosphere of interdisciplinary, made it a resounding success”.

Full house at the Quality in Endoscopy symposium in Munich.

Planning for the next upcoming symposium in this series, “colonoscopy and colonic neoplasms” is well underway. ESGE is joining forces with the European Society of Digestive Oncology (ESDO) for this event which takes place in Berlin in the spring of 2012. For more information regarding this meeting, see below.

Quality in Endoscopy: Colonoscopy and colonic neoplasms symposium

May 4 – 5, 2012Berlin, Germany

In cooperation with the European Society of Digestive Oncology (ESDO)

A reduced registration fee will be offered to ESGE, ESDO and ESGENA Individual Members for this symposium. For more information please visit www.quality-in-endoscopy.org. Learn more about ESGE Individual Membership at www.esge.com.


European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ESGE)

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81679 Munich


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