Synthesis 2011(18): 2865-2892  
DOI: 10.1055/s-0030-1260168
© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart ˙ New York

Total Synthesis of Polypropionate-Derived γ-Pyrone Natural Products

Pallavi Sharmaa, Kimberley J. Powella, James Burnleya, Amani S. Awaadb, John E. Moses*a,b
a School of Chemistry, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, NG7 2RD, UK
Fax: +44(115)9513564; e-Mail:;
b Chemistry Department, Faculty of Sciences, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Further Information

Publication History

Received 4 May 2011
Publication Date:
10 August 2011 (online)


Over the years a wide variety of γ-pyrone-containing natural products have been isolated and a number of their total syntheses accomplished. This review discusses a selection of synthetic strategies towards the total synthesis of some of these complex metabolites.

1 Introduction

2 Polyketide Biosynthesis

3 Common Methodology for γ-Pyrone Construction

4 Synthetic Approaches

5 Polyunsaturated γ-Pyrones

5.1 Conjugated Polyenes: Cyercenes and Placidenes

5.2 Non-Conjugated Polyenes: Actinopyrone and Verticipyrone

6 Polyoxygenated Side-Chain

6.1 Baconipyrones A-D, Siphonarins A and B

6.2 Auripyrones A and B

7 Nitrophenyl γ-Pyrones and Derivatives

7.1 Aureothin, N-Acetylaureothamine

8 Electrocyclisation Reactions in γ-Pyrone Natural Product Synthesis

8.1 The Tridachione Family

8.2 The Tridachiahydropyrones

8.3 Spectinabilin and the ‘SNF’ Compounds

9 Conclusions