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DOI: 10.1055/s-0030-1261789
Image-Guided Tumor Ablation: Emerging Technologies and Future Directions
20. August 2010 (online)

As the trend continues toward the decreased invasiveness of medical procedures, image-guided percutaneous ablation has begun to supplant surgery for the local control of small tumors in the liver, kidney, and lung. New ablation technologies, and refinements of existing technologies, will enable treatment of larger and more complex tumors in these and other organs. At the same time, improvements in intraprocedural imaging promise to improve treatment accuracy and reduce complications. In this review, the latest advancements in clinical and experimental ablation technologies will be summarized, and new applications of image-guided tumor ablation will be discussed.
Ablation - future - percutaneous - image-guided
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Justin P McWilliamsM.D.
Division of Interventional Radiology, Department of Radiology, University of California Los Angeles
757 Westwood Plaza, Suite 2125, Los Angeles, CA 90095