Int J Sports Med 2010; 31(11): 797-802
DOI: 10.1055/s-0030-1261943
Training & Testing

© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Metabolic Alkalosis, Recovery and Sprint Performance

J. C. Siegler1 , L. R. McNaughton1 , A. W. Midgley1 , S. Keatley1 , A. Hillman1
  • 1Sport, Health and Exercise Science, University of Hull, United Kingdom
Further Information

Publication History

accepted after revision June 21, 2010

Publication Date:
11 August 2010 (online)


Pre-exercise alkalosis and an active recovery improve the physiological state of recovery through slightly different mechanisms (e. g. directly increasing extracellular bicarbonate (HCO3-) vs. increasing blood flow), and combining the two conditions may provide even greater influence on blood acid-base recovery from high-intensity exercise. Nine subjects completed four trials (Placebo Active (PLAC A), sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) Active (BICARB A), Placebo Passive (PLAC P) and NaHCO3 Passive (BICARB P)), each consisting of three, 30-s maximal efforts with athree min recovery between each effort. Pre-exercisealkalosis was evident in both NaHCO3 conditions, as pH and HCO3- were significantly higher than both Placebo conditions (pH: 7.46±0.04 vs. 7.39±0.02; HCO3-: 28.8±1.9 vs. 23.2±1.4 mmol·L−1; p<0.001). In terms of performance, significant interactions were observed for average speed (p<0.05), with higher speeds evident in the BICARB A condition (3.9±0.3 vs. 3.7±0.4 m·s−1). Total distance covered was different (p=0.05), with post hoc differences evident between the BICARB A and PLAC P conditions (368±33 vs. 364±35 m). These data suggest that successive 30-s high intensity performance may be improved when coupled with NaHCO3 supplementation.


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Dr. Jason C. SieglerPhD 

University of Hull

Sport, Health and Exercise


Department of Sport,

Health and Exercise Science

HU6 7RX Hull

United Kingdom

Phone: +44/1482/466 337

Fax: +44/1482/465 149
